which ones do i need? im not paying ktec prices, i think a lad got some cheapish off ebay?
latza recaro'd 172 rep May 16, 2010 #1 which ones do i need? im not paying ktec prices, i think a lad got some cheapish off ebay?
latza recaro'd 172 rep May 16, 2010 #3 why what?not paying ktec prieces becaus eim skint and because my wheels do this \-/
colossuss BMW 330ci Clubsport May 16, 2010 #4 Taken from the group buy thread: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130383154842&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT (These where the ones JoeyD brought)
Taken from the group buy thread: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130383154842&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT (These where the ones JoeyD brought)