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Noob time.. Pre wax and glaze

Don't kill me I'm new at this haha, I love a clean car but my life experience of noob cleaning has always just been Wash and then auto glym wax. Bad I know but now I'm more into learning and trying I've come across a "wait what" moment.

I've never used but now bought a Glaze (black hole) I've read online to glaze before wax as the glaze don't protect/seal etc.

However I've also recently learnt about and bought dodo juice lime prime pre wax because "preparation is the key"

Now I'm stuck

Glaze then pre wax then wax?

Or glaze and just wax?

Will the pre wax strip the glaze?

I just want a ultra shiny wet look Black gold

The new products I've bought/want to use properly are:

Snow foam
Meguiars Gold wash wax
3M Clay
Dodo juice clay lube
Dodo juice lime prime
Poor boys black hole
Poor boys nattys liquid blue wax and/or
Dodo juice purple haze wax

What order do I use them?



Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
I'd personally just go from decontamination to black hole then wax on Black Gold.

Products like Lime Prime, I tend to use after a machine polish session if I want to ensure paint is cleansed for waxing.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Just to add confusion you'll also want to use iron-x and some de-tar stuff before claying.
Right so now it's:

Snow foam
Wash&wax shampoo
Iron x (spray on, sponge around, wait, rinse? Panel by panel)
Clay (iron x and clay probably once every couple of month?)

Black hole glaze (panel by panel, wax on wax off instantly?)

Finish with whatever wax I decide to use.

That sounding alright? Or am I missing something? Also when is the best time to use lime prime then?
I can't win :weary: going to have to dedicate a whole day for this.. For it to then probably rain the next day.


Iron X
De tar (what brand/product?)

I have autosmart tardis for the tar remover, the product itself works well for me, but the bottle sprayer i have it in is sh*t 😂


ClioSport Moderator
Your plan sounds perfect. I would save up and buy a polishing machine as it sounds like you like your car cleaning. Someone is selling an awesome package for £130 in the for sale (other) section. You might find after claying that it leaves swirls so a good polish would be required as well as black hole.
