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Norfolk Boy

Sorry everyone, not a clio owner now, put deposit on the one i had found (shown in other thred), only to ind my insurance company had had a change of policy and would only insure me for £4000, which i cant afford, so not only am i carless, but the b***h selling it, wouldnt give me my £200 back, even though i said sorry wasnt my fault and i offerd her £40 for her troubles.

But will keep an eye out, as when i do finnaly get a car, however far away that is, i m keen for a clio.

Your the first person to have said that revels, haha. I tried all the companys i could, problems are, it had non-standard alloy, ex cat c write off, and i am 18 and have written a car off. My old company had said they would insure me again, at a similar cost, but like i said policy change :(.
