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Not impressed with Alpine full speed units

  Mk2 Golf GTI
Tested out the 9850Ri today with my ipod and the interface seemed so horribly slow to scroll through artists/albums/songs etc. Also didn't like the way it goes back to the start of the list when you go to search for a new item, instead of re-opening at the last item you scrolled too.

All in all i wasn't very impressed and decided to go for a 9856R with a cable to plug directly into the ipod. Would be nice to have the text on the display but it's no biggie.

Hopefully a better solution comes out next year!
  FF 182
I must say i have the i-pod full speed head unit and cant complain. still a lot quicker than searching for a cd. I am always spoilt for choice with 2500 songs on my ipod though.
