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Noticed potential oil pathways above sump gasket - to seal or not to seal?

  Clio Cup F1
Got the old sump off [cracked] and couldnt find a 2nd hand 1*2 sump anywhere so swallowed hard and bought a new one from Pure Motorsport.

New sump and sealant.JPG

When preparing to fit the new one I found the old one had had sealant added along its entire length. Some flakes had ended up in the oil pump strainer!!! The cars wouldn't come from the factory like that [would they?]

Too much sump gasket sealant.JPG

Oil pump strainer debris.JPG

I cleaned it out and when fitting the new gasket to the new sump I noticed slight variations at front and rear in the gasket so checked the mating faces on the block and can see 4 joins [2 front and 2 rear] which I consider are potential leak points. The gasket seems to acknowledge this and has 4 points that appear to be designed to block oil travelling above the gasket along the 4 joints.

Sump front potential leak spots.jpg

Sump rear potential leak spots.jpg

Engine front potential leak spots.jpg

Engine rear potential leak spots.jpg

Questions are....

Do people add sealant at those points as a precaution, are they known leak points? PS: I use Victor Reinz REinzosil gasket/sealant.

I hear that sump gasket leaks are common on these cars so thinking of sealing the OUTSIDE perimeter of the gasket and also adding sealant to the bolt head faces so if oil gets under the gasket it cant escape that way. Any thoughts?


ClioSport Club Member
On the workshop manual for megane 225, it shows bead of sealant on the joints of main cap and oil pump cover, as its pretty much the same sump id do the same on 172. Torque the bolts in sequence.
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  Clio Cup F1
Thanks all for your input. I'll seal all the way round. As a relatively newcomer to this forum I'm always amazed at how quick I get replies/expert help :)
