Overtaking a boat that was acclerating southbound on the A3 near the little chef and at around 85 mph i see a police van - oh no, its that speed trap that was there the other day! bngger! anyway, it was a large police van with flaps open and two cameras in the back pointing out. Before the van there were no signs saying police check or anything. I didnt see any flashing etc its illegal for them to flash you in the face tho. But is this a mobile Truvelo camera? i was looking right into the lens as i drove past around 75. I really hope i dont get fined. The strange things are: no signs before it, and the cam van was parked up in a layby, the cameras were in the back facing outwards but the layby is parallel to the A3 and if the van was parked like it was then surely the cameras would be facing into the woods?
Has anyone seen a camera van like this before, or even been prosecuted by it? I do believe ive been caught and it was today, so im preying that i get no post soon! Lets hope 172 speedos are very innacurate....Do you reckon at an indicated 80 id be doing 77 ish?
Its the worst feeling in the world not knowing whether youve been done.
VR6MAN beware of that one. Thats the second weekend its been there. GRRRRRRR!
If i do get caught im wondering about the penalty. I think its a 70 mph limit, its a dual carriage way -but- there are no hard shoulders or central reservation - so possibly a 60? the sign preceding it is a national speed limit sign.......what do you folks think??
Thanks, Si