From when i bought the car my oil temp gauge didnt work so i took it to my local garage and they checked things and said the dial needed replacing.
Anyway they said they spoke to a renault engineer and they told them when they replace a gauge they also replace a switch aswell. But my local garage said that my switch doesnt need replacing it was just the dial so i booked it in to get it done.
Now since having it replaced about 4 - 5 months ago it has been working fine up until the other day.
When the car has been running for quit a while and the gauge is at its normal operating temp as soon as i turn the engine off and the dials start to drop the gauge only falls a fraction of the way down then stops half way and i have to tap the panel to temp the needle to drop fully.
Shorly the dial doesnt need replacing again?? or could it be that switch i heard about?? At least it works up until this point which is more than it used to do.
p.s It doesnt do it all the time most times it works fine it just these last couple of days its done it once or twice.........