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One of my pictures...

  Oil Burner
Nicely done, and extra well done for not shafting professional photography in the process.

What is the giant silver peanut building?
  2004 1.5 DCi 80 Dyna
err the Bullring (selfridges building), one of the most famous buildings in the Midlands/UK lol
  vtr, 172, s1 rallye

He got paid rather than giving it away for the free ego boost that so many people seem to feel is the 'right' thing to do these days.

Any image has value and should be paid for if someone wants to use it.
  Oil Burner
......................................He got paid. As such, not setting a president for that site to get FOC images from people that just want to see their work used publicly. So now himself and other photographers should continue to get paid work through them :star:.

Beaten to it ^
so giving pictures away for free is wrong?

He got paid rather than giving it away for the free ego boost that so many people seem to feel is the 'right' thing to do these days.

Any image has value and should be paid for if someone wants to use it.
  vtr, 172, s1 rallye
so giving pictures away for free is wrong?

to put things int perspective.

Photography is a career choice for many people, the same as IT is. How many people who work in IT would be pissed off if their jobs were suddenly not needed/pay cut back because amateurs were offering to work for free in the IT world all the time.

People seem to be oblivious/ignorant to the professional nature of photography and the damage they are doing by working for the ego boost.

And im talking about when the photos are used for commercial gain by a 3rd party.
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  Oil Burner
I'm intrigued what Vibro's response will be as i thought photography was a source of income for him?
I'm a stay at home dad, I still do work for my old PhD supervisor and don't get paid anything :p

there is a difference between doing a job for nothing and doing somthing as a hobbie.

If you wanna make money from it then yes? ofcourse.

Would you do your job for nothing if somebody asked?
  2004 1.5 DCi 80 Dyna
I have done enough stuff for free over the years, but going out to specifically shoot a picture that I don't have in an archive costs me money.

I would never get credit (bar the invoice) for this on their site so you only have the option of asking for money.

I am also starting my own business anyway for corporate/industrail photography so this can be a (small) start.

I originally asked for £75.00 but they said they had other photographers who had offered £50 so I matched theirs and they went with me as they liked my previous work (I know one who works there).
  Oil Burner
Which is to be commended and we all start somewhere. It is refreshing to hear of a large organisation actually commissioning a photographer for a project, not just turning to getty or Flickr, so a client worth keeping in contact with.

However say a photographer comes along as good as you but he has a good paying 9-5 job so just does it for the buzz, he asks for nothing, he doesnt need the money - he just wants to see the image used. The company knows you both produce good work, but yours costs money. Its a no brainer.

This is why there is very very little money in motorsports photography, we have tons of spectators offering FOC images (some of which are pretty decent) to teams, websites and newspapers. So the value of a motorsports photo is about £0. Its only the few teams that appreciate better photos or need angles spectators cant get that provide work. I get asked for FOC imagery several times a meeting, its beyond a joke.

But this is the evil side of digital cameras and the effect they have had on one industry, its a bit sad to see some of the other types of photography going the same way.

Vibro, how you are happy to give away work i do not understand, each to their own.
  vtr, 172, s1 rallye
there is a difference between doing a job for nothing and doing somthing as a hobbie.

If somethig is a hobbie then why the need to send in free pics to as many mags/publications as possible for the ego boosts???
I'm not saying you should give away your images for free - its great you are getting money.

I just get a bit annoyed when people say you shouldn't give your images away for free when it is their own free choice to make.

I very rarly give my work away free especially to people that aim to profit from it but thats my choice since they are my pictures.

People who do photography as a hobbie like to have validation of their work - why else would people enter competions of post their images on line for other people to see.

The digital revolution that has happened in the last few years has seriously dented magazines income. Max power used to sell 250k a month now they are lucky to sell 9k (same goes for other mags too). People can see the images the next day on cruise sites rather than wait weeks for a mag, they see build threads so by the time the car is featured it is already very well known in the community so magazines are going to take every cost cutting measure they can.

The pro photographer has to adapt to changing circumstances to make sure they still get work. if you can be offered somthing for free which is as good quality as somthing you have to pay for are you seriously telling me you would pay for it? No, same goes for mags and other organisations.

I have done enough stuff for free over the years, but going out to specifically shoot a picture that I don't have in an archive costs me money.

I would never get credit (bar the invoice) for this on their site so you only have the option of asking for money.

I am also starting my own business anyway for corporate/industrail photography so this can be a (small) start.

I originally asked for £75.00 but they said they had other photographers who had offered £50 so I matched theirs and they went with me as they liked my previous work (I know one who works there).
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So what if my hobby was washing cars. I really liked doing. Gave me enjoyment to see the finished car all clean.

Would it be fair to do it for free? Call up the local garages and say I'd do all their cars for free.
  vtr, 172, s1 rallye
The pro photographer has to adapt to changing circumstances to make sure they still get work. if you can be offered somthing for free which is as good quality as somthing you have to pay for are you seriously telling me you would pay for it? No, same goes for mags and other organisations.

The issue is when something is free it is killing off the industry, rates being slashed is one thing but being slashed to a big fat zero totally irradicates the profession which some people have dedicated their lives to.

I shoot in the music industry and free wins most of the time over quality, just look at the crap people use from for example, ultimately you cant compete with free even if you are producing better work as people class all with the same brush in the industry.

The sooner amateurs wake up and see the damage they are doing to a profession the better.
So what if my hobby was washing cars. I really liked doing. Gave me enjoyment to see the finished car all clean.

Would it be fair to do it for free? Call up the local garages and say I'd do all their cars for free.

No it wouldn't be fair, but who is going to do that!? Bit of a silly example.

I agree though that if an industry is being greatly affected by the advancing nature of digital media then it's unfair on some e.g. photography/music industry. Some will have the ability to adapt and change, others will die off. However, it's inevitable and part of the evolving nature of the world.
