Ta. No way of doing it on the touchpad though?
Do I need any security software?
BluePhoneElite 2 enables you to make and receive calls from your mac via your iPhone (or other phone). Its unsupported now but can be found easily enough.
BluePhoneElite 2 enables you to make and receive calls from your mac via your iPhone (or other phone). Its unsupported now but can be found easily enough.
Good download manager?
Download lots of RS files, want to be able to copy them in tot he program so they start one after another (free user) so i don't have to keep an eye.
I was given an app called "little snitch" from a lecturer at uni, it shows all network activity and allows you to block certain events, it show what is going on all the time network wise, I have just found that my macbook is pretty much constantly talking to my housemates iPhone and iPad.
http://airparrot.com/ This looks superb.