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Painting exterior plastics advice?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Planning on painting the front fog surrounds, mirror surrounds and the rear bumper strip gloss black and the grills satin because it looks better and is easier to maintain. No more dull plastics or white smears.

Looked through a few guide but they all differ slightly so anyone got a guide they used?
also looking for recommendation on what paints to use?

I'm kind of going for the 200 black and blue look.

I'd be more inclined to use a permanent trim restorer like GTechniq C4. Those are key areas for chips, and DIY'd paint jobs are more prone to chipping. They'll look old very quickly.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Hmm didn't think about chipping, might look into getting it sprayed at a body shop then. I do rate C4 but I have always thought some of the plastics look out of place.
It will chip regardless, if it's painted, it will chip eventually.

I sprayed my front grilles and fog surrounds matt black and it looks so much fresher, I just cleaned them down with ipa, couple coats of primer and a few coats of paint.
Mine have been done for about a month and so far they're all good but how long they'll last who knows.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
did my mirror pods with paint, it just chipped off and looked shite.

properly IPA them down a whack on some C4 restorer. dont think i'll ever look back tbh
