to remove the dimonds.
front- unclip the top part of the bumper and eas it forward, there are 2 torque skrews holding it on. not allot of room so use a ratchet instead or a skrewdriver.
rear- remove the boot plastic with 1 torque skrew then pull off as it is held on with poppers, then undo the boot handle with 3 10mm bolts if i rememper corectly. then remove it and pop the badge out as its cliped in.
bullets- open your door remove the black gromet that is half way down the door, (in line with the side strip) use a large flat head skrewdriver and prize the clip, then use the palm of your hand to pull the side strip backwards towards the rear of your car. then once youve done that the bullet is cliped in to the side strip.