Nippy white cup
Yeah but imagine us blasting round there in buggies! f**k the war...razzing round is where it's at!
4x Caspian Border?! Seriously? f**king hell. That's going to make for some interesting vehicle battles!
I'm using recon with the P90 LOL. Purely as recon is the last class I've got guns to unlock and I'm not lying down in a bush just to unlock them.
I have a feeling I will hate the close quarters dlc, the main reason I moved from cod to bf was maps like on that video.
Currently rolling with :
Assault : Famas (Foregrip/Holographic/Heavy Barrel)
Engineer : M4A1 (Foregrip/RDS/Heavy Barrel)
Support : M249 (Foregrip/Laser)
Recon : Nope.
Assault : USAS12 (frag/extended mag/Kobra RDS)
Engineer : A91 (Kobra RDS/Foregrip/torch)
Support : M249/M60E4 (no sight/extended mag/flash suppressor)
Recon : M98/L96 (Straight pull bolt/12x) (bi-pod/12x)
Been using the USAS12 with frag in all classes alot dude to the amount of people using the FAMAS/F2000/G36/KH553 1/2 hit kills is really wearing thin tbf.
Top 5 weapons used and kills accuracy (im no genesis at this like Gordie)
USAS12 kills 1294 Acc. 24.25%
M98B Kills 930 Acc. 22.32%
A91 Kills 907 Acc. 11.32%
SV98 Kills 498 Acc. 16.86%
RPK-74M Kills 287 Acc.9.68%
USAS12 with frag rounds. f**k off.
You're what's wrong with this game.
USAS12 with frag rounds. f**k off.
You're what's wrong with this game.
USAS12 with frag rounds. f**k off.