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[PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

  Mito Sportiva 135
Back into this and loving it. The new massivescores on the customer servers are awesome (if depressing you can see you are going to lose but have to play for another 30 minutes).

Played with Spiezels the other night, he got an insane score! I am levelling up assault, then got to do recon (which I have barely used at all in this game). Want the black camo too...but it is taking ages!!!
Anyone (Scutch, AK, etc) around for a game tomorrow evening?

I'm free all night to play, so can do whatever time suits you guys.


Yeah, can do tomorrow night.

9pm? If we can remove Turner's knob from his exhaust he might play too.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I'd play but Spurs are on against Bolton. Should be on Thursday though, and possibly tonight.

What's this "massivescores" thing?
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Oh, and I got killed on Siene the other night by a guy who was rank 100. He had Gold dogtags. I tried in vain to knife the c*nt for the rest of the round but couldn't manage it :(

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
Think it's just servers with an insane amount of tickets. I remember Me and Geordie played Conquest on Op.Firestorm with 1200 tickets lol.....was madness.

EDIT: To get Gold dogtags I think you have to get 100 service stars.

100 Service stars for P90 = Gold P90 dogtags etc.
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  Mito Sportiva 135
Long matches are good, can just play one map and felt like I've had a good game session. Get more points than several short matches too as you get more medals etc.
I jumped online for a bit late last night.

Played Golf of Oman with 1500 tickets a side. After an hour and a half, and with both teams still on 600ish tickets, I left. I was mentally drained.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I went on 1500 ticket game last night too at about 8ish. Joined a game on Noshahr Canals then on to Operation Metro.

Went to bed at 10:30pm.
Bloody hell. The 1500 ticket games are properly mental.

I still can't get to grips with the sniper rifles at long range. Maybe it's because I haven't unlocked the 12x scope yet. Or I'm just s**t.
When I was playing on Gulf of Oman, I got in one of the jets and parachuted out, landing on top of the massive tower blocks which aren't accessible by foot. Superb for seeing the whole map etc.

I spotted a guy at point A (basically on the other side of the map). Was trying to shoot the fucker for aaaages. Used about 2 full clips with my sniper. He finally realised where I was shooting from. One shot from his rifle and BOOM. I was dead.
  1.8 Civic EX
I actually prefer the x8 scope to the x12 tbh as I seem to spot people at a reasonably close range more frequently than at stupidly long range, then trying to follow them with x12 is nigh on impossible.

Also doesn't the x12 give off a more obvious lens flare so you are easier to spot by the oposition?
No idea tbh mate.

The x8 is great on the whole, but as soon as you get in to the really long distances, I find it impossible to get long distance kills.
  1.8 Civic EX
Yeah I tend to ignore the real long shots. I'll give off a couple of shots but if I miss then I'll move on to save ammo and not give my position away.

Although at least with the longer games you get more chance to practice and try to work out how high you need to aim for certain places to accomodate for the bullet drop.

If I'm propper camping it up I'll just fire off a couple of shots at likely positions even if there is no-one there just get a rough idea so when someone does turn up in that place I should be able to get them a bit quicker. Like on Operation Firestorm shooting up to the warehouse roofs around CQ point B, gaurenteed at somepoint in the game there will be someone running around up there waiting to get popped!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I've spotted snipers from the glare several times. TBF, they've usually shot me by the time I've noticed it.
The worst thing is when you and another sniper on the opposite team are trying to shoot one another, then you literally see the flash of the bullet coming towards you. By the time you react it is too late, but in that split second you know you are going to die.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Ive allways found when going head to head with another sniper thats sitting 15000 miles away its a case of you take a shot, then he does. You can see the bullet on travel. Maybe ive just been lucky.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Yep that is so annoying. Its not so bad when theres no one around but when there is, its like frikin slow motoin.
I need to learn how to kill people with the jets. I can fly them fine, but haven't unlocked any missiles yet, so killing with the machine gun is near on impossible.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I just use jets to transport me to bases haha.

PMSL. Yeah, I've used the Little Bird for that on Noshahr. Flew to the building, jumped out. TBF some c*nt had locked on to me with the Javelin in the meantime.
