Those games last night were great, although I don't think I finished with a positive K/D in any of them! Siene Crossing round seemed to last forever, I think you signed out for about 40 minutes or so and it was still going when you logged back in.
I really should have gone to bed before Davamand Peak but that was such a laugh with you on the opposing team. That's my second least favourite map behind Tehran Highway but I thought I'd stick it out and try the Recon class for the very first time. As you'll have noticed I unlocked the Recon pack as I was never going to commit to that class and wanted to test the power of the M98B. It's fairly impressive! LOL. I think we had about 8-8 kills in our personal war or you maybe had one more kill. Was quite pleased in the end because like I say I find that map to be a pain in the arse.
Siene Crossing was superb, literally felt like we had been playing all night! My interenet connection dropped out halfway through that game that's why I left. Couldn't believe it when I signed back in and you were still playing LOL!
I should have gone to bed too.

I was shattered but thought I'd give it a go. Glad I stayed on. I'm not a fan of that map but like you said, it was a laugh with you on the other team. You kept getting me for aaaages with that damn sniper near C, so I spawned at our base and got up on one of the big crane things?! Saw you sneaking around by that massive digger so trotted over and stuck the knife in.
I wondered how you had unlocked that! Was an absolute beast of a gun. One hit kill every time. I'd say we were pretty much even on kills too.
I did laugh when you were in that tunnel near C sniping out of it, so I whacked out the RPG and fired a rocket down there.