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[PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

  1.8 Civic EX
Pmsl! Just killed the same guy 11 times in one match! I only had 15 kills by the end of the match so he must have been massively s**t or shockingly unlucky!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I really like the more closed in maps. Siene, Bazaar, Metro etc. Good for racking up points.

Those games last night were great, although I don't think I finished with a positive K/D in any of them! Siene Crossing round seemed to last forever, I think you signed out for about 40 minutes or so and it was still going when you logged back in.

I really should have gone to bed before Davamand Peak but that was such a laugh with you on the opposing team. That's my second least favourite map behind Tehran Highway but I thought I'd stick it out and try the Recon class for the very first time. As you'll have noticed I unlocked the Recon pack as I was never going to commit to that class and wanted to test the power of the M98B. It's fairly impressive! LOL. I think we had about 8-8 kills in our personal war or you maybe had one more kill. Was quite pleased in the end because like I say I find that map to be a pain in the arse.
Those games last night were great, although I don't think I finished with a positive K/D in any of them! Siene Crossing round seemed to last forever, I think you signed out for about 40 minutes or so and it was still going when you logged back in.

I really should have gone to bed before Davamand Peak but that was such a laugh with you on the opposing team. That's my second least favourite map behind Tehran Highway but I thought I'd stick it out and try the Recon class for the very first time. As you'll have noticed I unlocked the Recon pack as I was never going to commit to that class and wanted to test the power of the M98B. It's fairly impressive! LOL. I think we had about 8-8 kills in our personal war or you maybe had one more kill. Was quite pleased in the end because like I say I find that map to be a pain in the arse.

Siene Crossing was superb, literally felt like we had been playing all night! My interenet connection dropped out halfway through that game that's why I left. Couldn't believe it when I signed back in and you were still playing LOL!

I should have gone to bed too. :eek: I was shattered but thought I'd give it a go. Glad I stayed on. I'm not a fan of that map but like you said, it was a laugh with you on the other team. You kept getting me for aaaages with that damn sniper near C, so I spawned at our base and got up on one of the big crane things?! Saw you sneaking around by that massive digger so trotted over and stuck the knife in. :p

I wondered how you had unlocked that! Was an absolute beast of a gun. One hit kill every time. I'd say we were pretty much even on kills too.

I did laugh when you were in that tunnel near C sniping out of it, so I whacked out the RPG and fired a rocket down there.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I did laugh when you were in that tunnel near C sniping out of it, so I whacked out the RPG and fired a rocket down there.

That was indeed very funny, but it was my own fault because I actually ran into the rocket. I accidentally shot a guy in front of me who was on my team and ran over to try and revive him as he was an Assault guy with defibs. Boom, rocket to the face and your name popped up. LOL.

You sneaking over and knifing me was the best though, as you'd tried it twice and I shot you the first time!

Oh and yeah, that M98B is some baby. You unlock the 12x ballistic pretty early doors, too, but I think the 8x works better as it gives you more of a view point.
That was indeed very funny, but it was my own fault because I actually ran into the rocket. I accidentally shot a guy in front of me who was on my team and ran over to try and revive him as he was an Assault guy with defibs. Boom, rocket to the face and your name popped up. LOL.

You sneaking over and knifing me was the best though, as you'd tried it twice and I shot you the first time!

Oh and yeah, that M98B is some baby. You unlock the 12x ballistic pretty early doors, too, but I think the 8x works better as it gives you more of a view point.

LOL, didn't realise you ran in to it.

Yeah, the first time I was running towards you, then you turned so I went prone hoping you hadn't seen me. I was wrong. One shot and I was dead.

I unlocked the 12x for the SV98, and find it difficult to use as like you said, it doesn't give you a good overall view of the map meaning you can miss quite a lot of guys running around.
  1.8 Civic EX
If he was me I'd have thrown my Xbox through my TV and thrown myself out the window.

Poor b*****d haha.

ha I think I would have too. He just kept falling for the classic old school manouver...

Me hiding round a corner with a silencer attached. I killed him from the same spot at least three times before he worked out where I was, so I moved somewhere else so I could see the spot I was previously hiding. He comes chraging up to that corner guns blazing to find I'm not there and I shoot him from my new position. Stayed there till he worked out where I was then moved back to the original position. Rinse and repeat.

He did kill me once though but I wasn't too bothered as I fealt abit sorry for him lol
  Mk2 ph1 clio
L85 is an awesome weapon... So accurate and powerful with very little recoil! Been hammering that recently!

Hopped back onto BC2 last night and first game went 24-5 with the m24 .. Sniping is so much better on this!
  Mito Sportiva 135
Yes not used recon hardly at all in BF3, seems a lot harder to aim for some reason. Having said that on BC2 it was hard until you levelled up, but without mortar strike I don't see much incentive to bother!
  Mk2 ph1 clio
I do miss the BC2 style mortars :(

Had a few awesome games earlier on BF3 a nice 94-17 on metro and a 40-0 on siene crossing attacking on rush! <3 LAV!

Really enjoying the medic class too, that m320 is a perfect weapon to get rid of annoying campers!
  BG Clio 182
I hate these Custom servers why do people insit on setting so many tickets on, and making games last for ages??? I just want to play on regular servers without all the stupid gimmicks that people put on.
  BG Clio 182
Play on the normal dice severs then? Lol they still exist

Yeah but it shouldn't be so hard to get on them, the numbers of official servers seems to have reduced in my opinion. Looking on the game's forums its seems that all of the regular servers have been taken down to make way for these rented servers.

I hate playing a match that lasts for ages as it gets rather boring, and i usually end up quitting.
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  1.8 Civic EX
Yeah but it shouldn't be so hard to get on them, the numbers of official servers seems to have reduced in my opinion. Looking on the game's forums its seems that all of the regular servers have been taken down to make way for these rented servers.

I hate playing a match that lasts for ages as it gets rather boring, and i usually end up quitting.

I'm kinda the same, I don't think Iv'e seen a single official DICE server since the update.

Played a game last night, was soooo long, I even cooked and ate a load of chips during the game

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
Just had an epic game on Metro, defending the first MCOMs, 55 kills, 62,000 points overall. (225 tickets)

Medic FTW.


ClioSport Club Member
DAO-12 is a beast, my spm has almost gone vertical on the charts since I started using it.


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Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
DAO 12 and c4 are f**king epic when defending the first MCOMs on seine crossing.

Liams windows ftw!
  1.8 Civic EX
Had a good go in the Jets last night. 1500 tickets on Gulf of Oman and the same guy kept getting in the choppers but he didn't have flares. Got plenty of "vehicle disabled" points out of him and lots of anti vehicle ribbons :)

Not sure what jets they were (spawing from the boat so F35 I think?) but had some quality flying/dog fighting moments too, flying real low and weaving between the buildings and cranes, flipping and rolling all over the shop, including the odd stall and "oh s**t I'm about to hit the grou........bugger" moments.
  Mk2 ph1 clio
Yeah, the F35 is awesome once you master hovering! You can just cruise about as if you're in a flying tank! Handy for taking out snipers hiding up cranes or buildings!
  1.8 Civic EX
I still can't grasp the hovering in them yet. I've seen a few people doing it. Any tips? It generally stalls on me if I slow down too much.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
I still can't grasp the hovering in them yet. I've seen a few people doing it. Any tips? It generally stalls on me if I slow down too much.

I wouldn't rely on iit too much.

The amount of f35's I've taken out while sat there is mad.

Especially if you're in a flanker. They don't even see you coming.
  Mk2 ph1 clio
The f35 will destroy the flankers if used correctly! The hovering really kicks in after about 30 seconds of holding L2 (ps3) and you can use the analogue sticks to cruise around. Height is something that takes a whole to get used to but it is possible to hover at any height!

Dunno Gman! Not sure til later!
  1.8 Civic EX
do you have to keep holiding the "break" to keep it hovering or once it's there can you let go?

I wouldn't rely on iit too much.

The amount of f35's I've taken out while sat there is mad.

Especially if you're in a flanker. They don't even see you coming.

Yeah I won't, just wanted to give it a go realy as I rarely actually get any kills in jets, just vehicle disabled. Hovering will make it a bit easier to get the dudes running around on the ground I should expect. Appreciate how vunerable it'll make me though.
  White Sti Hatch
Anyone on the PC crowd had issues with the latest patch and running it with 580's slightly over clocked ??
  Mk2 ph1 clio
I tend to only use the "brake" to start the hover if I'm honest. I haven't used an f35 for a couple of weeks so I'll give you more detail when I jump back into one! That's the upside to having a server... I can just make it private when it's empty to test these things out!
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
That's ideal Geordie!

I need that for choppers, can fly jets well but not the choppers.

Get taken out too quick to get used to it.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yeah if you have a few MS points you can just rent a server for a day or week and practice in the vehicles unranked on your own.
