new maps already! didn't realise they were out so soon! Is it similar to the Vietnam packs like before in that you have to specifically choose to play the new maps or are are they integrated so will come up randomly? (if that makes any sense! lol)
Made quite a mess last night but got a funk load of points for doing it. All around a capture point in conquest (forget which map now) were loads of AT Mines. I chucked a load more down in the gaps between the ones that were already there. Turns out they were laid by the other team.
Along comes one of thier tanks, two people in it and one running along the side, hit my mines, blows up the tank and the dude next to it and detonated all the other mines too. Must have been about 10-15 mines go up at once! So got three kills, destroying an enemy vehicle and god knows how many destroy enemy explsoives points.