this game on hardcore is so friggin' annoying!! I get team killed more than I get killed by the other team lol
Was on Caspian, started the game, jumped in a tank and followed another tank over to point D on Conquest. half way there the tank in front just stopped so I over took, and BAM the f**ker just blew me up?!?!
The ammount of times I've been blown up by retards on Opertation Metro lobbing grenades everywhere or fireing the M320 launcher all over the shop trying to defened point B is just plain crazy.
When all points are held by the other team, the team I'm on just spawn, and try to kill people rather than trying to sneek past to the points so they all get raped while I'm off running around basically the whole map on my own!
Can you tell I've had a few bad games recently?! lol
On the plus side, it's awesome for sniping with a silencer attached