The xtatic ones? I've got them, they're great.Just ordered myself some Sharkoons, i'll be getting them by post on Friday. at least now i'll know where there shooting me from
I like the new maps TBH!
The xtatic ones? I've got them, they're great.
Would have carried on playing with you guys earlier, but lag was making me rage on Ground War... Just went on TDM for a bit!
Coming back online now, if anyone fancys a game!
lol Im usualy on from 10:30 onwards.
GeordieClio - PSN
i will be on later tonight for a good session
just had 3-4 games there with fiestec every one of them was laggy, could hardly get a kill streak going. gone off now for abit
I used to play Mercenary TDM as used to be fool of fools and managed to absolutely destroy on there, it was like cheating! However it seems everyone else has caught on and now seems to be full of pros, hard to get a k/d of 1:1 these days I find. Anyone else noticed this? I may revert to regular TDM now even if playing on my own.
i've gone back to basics since i prestiged, scar and red dot or grenade launcher. got 30+ kills on 3 games running last night. Loving crash too, not sure about bailout, not a clue where i'm going...
The lag at the moment is f**king shocking. I have noticed at the start when searching for games it starts of searching for <50 pings games but then moves up to <80 and <100.
Why should I suffer for having a good connection, I don't want to play with a load of lagging scroats who steal their neighbours connection!!
The lag at the moment is f**king shocking. I have noticed at the start when searching for games it starts of searching for <50 pings games but then moves up to <80 and <100.
Why should I suffer for having a good connection, I don't want to play with a load of lagging scroats who steal their neighbours connection!!
honest to god the lagg is beyond a joke now like, is there any way of me getting a lag free connection on a ADSL or a way to improve it, im on tiscali, just had 4 really pooo games i mean poooo 3-13 and that is bad for me, had caroline in the game with me and i feel sorry for leaving her there
i was on wireless when i first had my ps2 and since i had MW2 i had to go ethernet calbe, it helped cos i was on 2 bar now im on 3, but it is still beyond a joke allot of times of lagg. can any of you lot recomend anything on better connection?
this person joined out party 10th prestige, i think the person was with caroline, any ideas?
im on now seems ok
Decided to bite the bullett and prestige earlier... God im struglling!!!
Lag didnt help either!!
May join you later Alymac!
I got like an 18/4 k/d on one game but then kinda got balanced by the previous where I got raped 3/10 :Omy first game after prestige was on estate and i got a 17 kil 3 death which i thought this is good, next x games got ass raped!