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[PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

Just got another good score 32-8, had the 130 out in airport one raked them in.

to be honest i might get the NUKE on, get my hardline one with my SCAR extended magazine, might as well. even though i said loads of times

aye much better the headset like

go for it, you in general are the high scorer or one of highest in games, do a little camping on something like domination on wasteland and get a couple of lads to provide cover for you and nail the cnuts


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
just tried it there for the first time, got to 6 harrier out got nee kills cos this other bloke got a care package chopper gunner FTL, needs to be on domi or ground war for the nuke
  421 Cammed 172
Pavelow / Choppergunner / Nuke

Demolition on Salvage

M16 Red Dot

Scavenger Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Ninja Pro

My key to regular nukes.

People ask why pavelow and chopper gunner as you can't have both in the air....

A good pavelow will get you around 10 kills, Taking you to 19 - 21 depending on whether people continue to attack your position while it's up. I don't know many chopper gunners that don't get 4 - 6 kills!
  421 Cammed 172
Just goes to show the quality of players on the PS3 lol

the ps3 lot are allot of boosting pricks that cant play for sh@t, apart from us lot

In my honest opinion.

The majority of people who play PS3 (Not saying everyone) are below the skill of most of the people on the 360.

Maybe it's because it's mostly kids on the PS3 i don't know but that's my findings.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
i can see where you coming from on a pavelow first, it's some doing getting that far, it is possible i've getten to 11 with no killstreaks, it is the best route but hardest
  421 Cammed 172
i can see where you coming from on a pavelow first, it's some doing getting that far, it is possible i've getten to 11 with no killstreaks, it is the best route but hardest

Not sure about PS3 but on the 360 harriers used to do well on a nuke and that's what i used, but recently they're coming down after 2 kills.

I usually get to 9 with a kill and move system. Kill someone in one position then move not to far away to another where they'll pass you to get to where you were before. Lay out 3 positions or so and keep it fairly random. Ive had 19 nukes out of it.

One of my clan members has had 57 or so and he just gets stuck in to get them.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
do you use a silencer? when you do well after you kill someone another guy across the maps see a red dot and spots you and BAM, might give silencer a go


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
bet ya some people have another new account and play with their mates on the other team so it looks like a noob has died 16 times and killed 1 person
  Goliath I
My other question is...

If we buy the map pack, when we jump into a game will it throw us together with other people who have the packs or

Will it just still randomly select people whether they have the packs or not which means if 1 person in the group doesn't have the pack then it will never get selected?
  421 Cammed 172
do you use a silencer? when you do well after you kill someone another guy across the maps see a red dot and spots you and BAM, might give silencer a go

Generally don't use a silencer on the M16 as i find the iron sights hard to use and Blinging it would lose my scavenger pro.

I use a silencer on, Famas / UMP45 / Scar / Mini Uzi / Tar 21.

I know most places i can be watched from so I keep checking them too.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
going to stick with missle, pavelow and chopper on TDM, and try the 7,11 and 25 for others

if you get a good 2-3 kills of the missle only need a few for the pavelow and 2 to get chopper and theres 20+ kills straight away if you can get the twice in a game you could prob easly get 50 kills on a TDM


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
My other question is...

If we buy the map pack, when we jump into a game will it throw us together with other people who have the packs or

Will it just still randomly select people whether they have the packs or not which means if 1 person in the group doesn't have the pack then it will never get selected?

didnt COD4 when i had it i got kicked out for not having the map pack


ClioSport Club Member
Don't know about ps3 but whenever they come up on xbox you play them. I think if you don't have the map then it just kicks you out of the lobby.
  Mk2 ph1 clio
I have a setup for nukes on PC which is Scar H + noob tube to get me my harrier (with hardline pro) and when i havemy chopper gunner use OMA to swap to another class of Scar H + silencer and cold blooded pro + ninja pro and if i dont get my 25 kills il swap back to noob tube class and try to get the last few!


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I have a setup for nukes on PC which is Scar H + noob tube to get me my harrier (with hardline pro) and when i havemy chopper gunner use OMA to swap to another class of Scar H + silencer and cold blooded pro + ninja pro and if i dont get my 25 kills il swap back to noob tube class and try to get the last few!

aye good idea that switching to stealth at the last minute, dont want to get shot by air support or a poxy missle on the last kill


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
had some good games with stew, seb and alfie. didnt do too well. had 5,9 and 11 but didnt manage to get to 9 lol so i went back to 5,7 and 9 and i was flying. peed my right off getting killed every time by a noob tube and knifed on scrapyard. we all had good scores :cool:

good teamwork that like won every single match and 2 very close ones one on one of the them came back with avengance

it works very well indeed as you did seb was telling us what killstreaks we had, if all of us have different killstreaks, uav, packages, missles and so on it works wonders
  Clio 1.2 16v
Was on the other night with Geddes and Ally god geddes is good, joined session so was on the other team and seen him like once all game he's so sneaky, got massively noob tubed on highrise by Ally with his damn thumper lol anyone on tonight?


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
cheers for that lol, havn't been on today but going on later on tonight as im going out with family for a meal. it's all about out thinking your opposition that's my key some times, got i love laying claymores i have to say im the king the most kills i've had in a game on claymores is about 8 - 10.

Was thinking about cod4 yesterday on the perks lol, how sad. might give it ago, also im onoly level 70 on there didint prestige, only played about 5 days or something on it.

see you later on girls
  Clio 1.2 16v
cool im at work again so wont be on until quite late prob 11ish.

il follow you around the maps i might get past a 5 kill streak that way lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
i noticed pretty much everyone apart me from goes in for the kill and dies first. i tend to do i circle sort of stick to the outside of them map and pick them off, so i tend get get no kills or deaths first but pretty much guarentee to get a very good K/D, that's the plan and it does work

if im not tired by then i'll see you on cos i'll be doing pants if im tired


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Had about 4-5 games there with Dredz, one game i was called a 'camping hacker', never been called that one before, even though i did call in 2 emergancy air drops in 1 game.

and another good game i had called in a missle, emergancy air drop and pavelow OMG the pavelow rocked must of gotten about 8-12 kills finished on some thing like 36-8 or something. It's a dangeroues combo like 5,8 and 9, even so if you get more good air supports in the packages

on one of the games i played with Kevster no word of a lie every single person on the other team were noob tubing constantly all you heard was bang bang every second all the way through.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Just had the Ass Clapper two games in a row, im awesome tonight.

I've had 2 too before, didint fire off any rounds on the second like as it was game over as i was putting the lap top out. it is quit an achievement like when you get 2 11 killstreaks in 1 game
I changed my kill steaks down to Uav, care and predator after going the 5-7-11 route turned me into a coward, I got 2 chopper gunners out of two consectutive care packages on subbase, I raped the other team LOL
  328, MK1 Clio 1.4
Went 70 - 4 on underpass last night, got three chopper gunners, from predator, harrier, chopper gunner.

After the game all the kids in the lobby were going "How the f**k ddid he get 70 - 4" "f**king cheater" Lol. Everyone thinks if you get a good score you are a cheater!


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I pretty much allways play TDM, i should play DOMI allot more to get those sort of kills


ClioSport Club Member


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ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Wow that's some score, game were you on to get that like? Domi.

That leaning of the missle had happened more last night, it's doing my nut in

seen more boosting like on the dodgy scores, im sure our guys seem to just run up to their mate and bam dead, another way of not using tac ins


ClioSport Club Member
Playing domination. I love it when youre against crap players and you purposely let it go into overtime to rack up kills....spawn rape
  328, MK1 Clio 1.4
Yeah did it on domination, it is much easier to get bigger scores. I've always thought they should do a team deathmatch that is 15000 to win, so double the kills and double the time. I would play it much more then, but just can't get into it, as the games are over too quickly.
  LY 200
Wow that's some score, game were you on to get that like? Domi.

That leaning of the missle had happened more last night, it's doing my nut in

seen more boosting like on the dodgy scores, im sure our guys seem to just run up to their mate and bam dead, another way of not using tac ins

Thanks for the add. ;)

Invite me if you want next time you're on.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
we should do me, my mate Al (who is pretty handy) Geddes and Mrtrick. we'd pwn LOL


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
if possible try to do a party during the day or around tea time so i can talk to you lot on those campers and good spots to lay those claymores and any tips i can give you, i've got my headset off pretty much after 21:00 cos people are sleeping.

had a few good games and a good laugh with Dredz, think he was impressed with my performance :eek: and his mate and ally joined in for a few games, i rarely go on S&D cos before i shockingly bad but today i suprised myself getting a 5 killstreak on one of them and one game pretty much killing the other side by myself.

not on tonight as router is playing up or my connection is i cant connect to people, had loads of invites of poeple and i cant join them so i'm off untill tomorrow
