aye us 3 were un defeated, we all had superb scores and all of those games i was running round with the spas too, we made a good team.
tried running with the spas today for a few games and im doing pants, getting killed by campers hiding behing bushes and boulders doing my head in, dropiing down now K/D was 2.03 yes and today it's 2.00
Getting shotgunned by someone from half way accross the map with an over powered Spas, marathon and lightweight is also annoying. Even more if they have commando attached.
Camping is camping, lets face it in real life you would not be wildly running around, you'd be sat behind something.
I nearly rage quit last night, after getting killed sooo many times as they all had marathon lightweight commando and a tac knife on. Next level was highrise, I stuck on claymores, scavenger pro, and the AK, and camped the fcuk out of one of the big biuldings, when my pavelow had finished raping them, and I came out 24-2, I was happy. I don't give a rats arse if camping annoys people, getting stabbed from 10 metres away, annoys me.
Double beep is usually hard drive related IIRC. Is it totally unresponsive or is there a yellow light?Playing last night and the game just stopped, PS3 went beep beep and turned itself off and wont come back on since
I think I may cry
I hate camping and the commando tbh. You say you would'nt go rambo in real life, which is right but this is a game, you respawn. So there is no reason to be a girl and hide on objective game modes imo.
Oh agreed, But I only play TDM, in which case camping and going 11 for 2, is more productive that going 30 and 27.
If I play domination, I'll run about capping flags, same in headquarters etc
I was thinking about sticking cod 4 on again
What game play do you lads usually play then? Ive been playing team death match alot recently but its not good for my K/D ratio.
Just got 35-0 tdm rundown not bad!
you wouldnt have that score lol if i was playing with ya, good job :approve:
I always play average with CS'ers. I sniped a few to start, got 4 people with the silenced pp2000? Got the harrier picked up an m240, which was bloody awesome was raping with it! Gonna set up a clas me thinks, I've never used it.
I fired it up for the first time in about 2 months.
Kept getting nailed by a SPAS from bloody miles away constantly. And snipped when it no where near me.
So I rage quit![]()