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Petrol blue for sale on Facebook (if anyone is looking for one) NOT Mine


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
The thing I find most strange is that he’s listed everything he’s done to it then not actually shown the majority of it in the photos and still wants top dolla?


ClioSport Club Member
  Petrol blue 182
Im surprised he didn't cover the deep scratches with a sticker or something.


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTi DSG
Came here for the LOLS after seeing the ebay link on Hot Hatch Fans FB group, knew it'd be comedy gold on CS. Not disappointed, keep up the good work.


ClioSport Club Member
Looked like a nail when up for sale cheap. Now an expensive nail, 5k with what looks to be rust on the o/s arch, high mileage, rough bodywork, prob loads of other stuff unseen:LOL:


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
I messaged him through eBay asking all the pertinent questions but he neglected to answer any of them and asked I call him.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
I messaged him through eBay asking all the pertinent questions but he neglected to answer any of them and asked I call him.

f**king hate those kind of c***s. "too much to list pal, bell me". No you ballbag, just put it in writing so I can see it and don't have to try to decipher it from your stupid fuckin *northern/southern/welsh/scottish accent.

*delete as appropriate


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
f**king hate those kind of c***s. "too much to list pal, bell me". No you ballbag, just put it in writing so I can see it and don't have to try to decipher it from your stupid fuckin *northern/southern/welsh/scottish accent.

*delete as appropriate
Yeah call me so I can tell you what you want to hear but have no recourse because you have nothing in writing! Up there with ‘Belt and dephaser changes by my best mates, uncles dog...but receipt was lost due to COVID’


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTi DSG
Think the seller is about to learn a cold, hard lesson. You can't pull the wool over Clio nerds eyes and that colour only commands a premium for Clio nerds. He's bought it off of CS hype over the colour, thinking he'd be able to chuck a bucket over it and make some easy money. Reality is he's unlikely to break even. Shame really as I love the colour and was hoping it'd be done to a reasonable level and punted on for a fair profit, instead of being bodged and chanced. I mean come on, who doesn't put Type D coolant in because it's too expensive?!?! Poor photos clearly trying to hide dodgy aspects, no info on belts or anything. Set himself right up for a Clio nerd onslaught.

Obviously, as a fellow Clio nerd, I'll be following this and can't wait to see how it pans out.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
I went onto his FB post for a laugh at the comments, and there were none, not one. Is he deleting them??

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
I went onto his FB post for a laugh at the comments, and there were none, not one. Is he deleting them??
I can only find the market place adverts without comments.
He must have changed his eBay listing too as there's no option to make an offer for me.


ClioSport Club Member
  LY 200 EDC
Anyone know how much he paid for the car?
I'd like to know that, sad thing is when it came up.... Admittedly it does look a nail but for someone like me if it went for a stupidly low price I would have bought it and sat on it to do the work as and when. The biggest difference? Being an enthusiast it would have gone to a good home and not just to purchase, turn it round in the most shocking way and punt it on 5 minutes later thinking I'd make a profit on my money.


ClioSport Club Member
The funny thing is, the vast majority of people buying Clios want gold for brass money so wouldnt pay anywhere near that price for one.
The Clio people that are happy to pay handsomely for a nice one wont buy it because its a shitter for 200yds away.
So god knows who he thinks hes going to sell it to.
Hes smart enough to have written all over social media what a wally he is doing it too.

He's gonna have hold of that car for a long time, and i dare say would be lucky to break even no matter what he's paid. #FACEPALM


ClioSport Club Member
Considering it needs paint and a whole lot more if he paid more than £1500 he's a bigger idiot than he's showing us. And he's coming across as a grade A idiot if he thinks some random punter who knows nothing about clios will turn up and pay £5k for that s**t heap just because he says it's a rare colour.
Shame it didn't go to a proper enthusiast who would do it justice. It's history will always be marred by this now. 😩


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
I’ve exchanged a few messages with the seller and rather than screen shot the lot here’s the salient facts.
- Previous owner said belts were done 3/4 years ago. No proof.
- No history at all with the car.
- He doesn’t know how many former keepers it’s had.
- He doesn’t know the MOT expiry.

But he will amend the ad once these are known.
He said he knows he’ll get low offers on the forum and hence he’s staying away. (He’ll get offered what it’s worth more like!!).


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
😂 the MOT expired, but it benefits from the Govt MOT extension.... looks like a balls up at last test has now given it a mileage discrepancy to add to it’s positive points



ClioSport Club Member
  Mint 1*2's for sale-
Yes clearly an error reducing the mileage by 100k - easy for a VOSA correction.

I would imagine here the seller is concerned already that they have bought a lemon as on some of the commentary on FB it was clear the size of the repairs was considerably more than first estimated -
Even the paint + the belts plus a cursary wheel refurb will cost based on the pics about 2k...

I would hazard a guess it owes 2-2750 maybe £3k & will sell for something similar. Personally I think its valued about £2k & everyone pretty much is on the same page.

I think he will lose a fair bit of money on it after hoping to spin some money on it.

Having sold these for 10 years & gone through the same process of estmating what repairs are going to cost from a visual inspection I was generally under estimated every single time so I adjusted the buying criteria by always bolting on a couple of hundred for sundries which then mostly brought me in on the right price finished. > Saying that I would always do all the bits that were needed plus bits that noone else would do.

The RB I have here is a good example. The cost of purchase was £3k I could have finished it for £4500-£4750 which would have left money on the table as a margin but ive spent the excess up to about £6500. Maybe a bit more plus a good 100 hours which like ed china is listed as free. Despite that it will still see £7-7500 so I dont mind commissioning the extras.

Take it on the chin, when you buy a lemon learn from the mistakes & move on. This car is a loss maker it was obvious to anyone seeing the initial listing from the girl that owned it....


ClioSport Club Member
I genuinely wouldn’t give you £500 quid for it. The only thing that makes it PF any interest is the colour and lets be honest. The paint is fucked. So after that it’s a 182 with no belts, no history and has clearly been treated poorly thoughout and even worse by our Mike Brewer wannabe.

I’d say now he’s dicked about with it and like a wally shouted from the rooftops at what a wally he is.
It’s probably worth less than he paid for it.
Absolute arsehat. 🤦🏽‍♂️


ClioSport Club Member
It's on nearly 120k?

Who the f**k is paying good money for a car like that with those miles on it?


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTi DSG
Even the MOT tester seems dodgy, couldn't even spell "limit" right. Nothing to do with the guy selling it obviously, but still found it amusing.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Original sellers played a blinder on it tbf.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
