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Ph1 Hot in Traffic

  PH1 172

A couple of years back, I noticed that my 2000 Ph1 was running hot in traffic. Thankfully, it didn’t get to the point where anything blew up, but on a couple of occasions when in stop / start traffic, on warm evenings, I pulled over for a while and let it cool down. I dropped it with my mechanic, who claimed that he couldn’t get it to overheat, having driven it about and left it running… I got it back off him and it’s been fine ever since.

Fast forward to this month and it’s been getting hot again (this is on 19-25 degree days). I got stuck in a couple of jams today, and the temp was nudging the double dots at the top of the scale… Luckily the jams weren’t too bad and I managed to get moving before anything blew.

A few hundred metres of road at 30mph, say middle revs and 2nd / 3rd gear, and it cools down to around halfway on the dial. At cruising speed it stays where it’s always been, which is below halfway, maybe a notch below, so all is normal when cruising.

The fan appears to be coming on, and temp gets to about 9 o’clock (halfway) after 5 mins of engine off.

Where would your first port of call be? I am thinking that an easy-ish fix might simply be to fit an uprated fan? (car is 100% standard – no mods). If the fan doesn’t do the trick, then my eyes are turning to its 24-yr old radiator…

Any tips? It's a 24-yr old car, so the fan + rad are elderly (car has 61K and averages <2K p/year - have owned it for over 10 yrs)

Thank you!


ClioSport Club Member
Temp gauge should be dead in the middle, mine used to sit just below the middle on my 182, changed thermostat and coolant temp sensor, now sits where it should. I expect it was the coolant temp sensor that was the fix, although I can't say for certain.
I'd do at least the coolant temp sensor as a start if it's not sitting right anyway, then go from there.

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
I'd just be swapping the lot, radiator, thermostat and coolant temp sensor if no history of them every being touched

Fan change is not right approach as that's just masking the issue.

For comparison my 170k 172 runs perfectly with no overheating in traffic etc and I use it every other day, through all of the recent hot days too
  PH1 172
Thank you!

For the last 10 yrs+ I have been getting parts from a Renault specialist, with my local mechanic working on the car. The specialist shut down a few months back, so I'm a little lost WRT sourcing parts now as I trusted the firm. Where would you look for the rad? Am guessing that ordering from Renault direct will be an expensive experience. Is the rad used in other models?


ClioSport Club Member
as abovee an uprated fan is just masking the issue, if you know the fan is working and coming on and off as it should then as above get a radiator, thermostat, coolant temp sensor and new coolant, may be worth sticking a waterpump on it at the same time depending on how bad the coolant that comes out is.

I use renault parts direct for genuine parts and autodoc for everything else
