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Phase 1 Throttle Body help

  172 Ph1, Meg GT220
Since getting my phase 1 a couple of years ago, I have had no end of problems with the throttle body. Whenever I think I have cured the problems, they eventually rear their head again.

When I first had the car, the TB would stick. When coming to a stop, revs would hang and I would have to blip the throttle which sometimes didn't help and the engine would be sitting at traffic lights at 3000rpm 🤦‍♂️

I removed it, cleaned it up, cleaned the ICV, greased up the TB mechanism which helped for a couple of days before it would go back to its bad ways. So process of elimination started:

new ICV
new genuine throttle cable
sanded down the chamber to ensure the butterfly wouldn't catch on anything

still no luck. The throttle would still stick so I thought perhaps the spring mechanism was to blame. Did a bit of research here and there and noticed that people complain of the TB wearing down with age.

So I got a second TB by chance off eBay. A UK seller posted it to me. Before I fitted it, cleaned it all up and regreased the spring with white lithium grease. Fitted it up with a new gasket and lo and behold its instantly improved. Also have since fitted a new magnetti TPS.

Fast forward a year to now and some of the problems have returned. When the engine is cold, its fine. Throttle is smooth to apply. As soon as it warms up, the throttle gets stiff and gritty-feeling at small throttle applications and its impossible to drive smoothly. Luckily it is not sticking yet, the throttle is closing shut OK but I fear that problem is only around the corner...

These TBs are rarer than rocking horse s**t, non-existent in Australia and impossible to find online. Have got quotes for a brand new one from Renault of around $900 which is way too extreme. Are there any aftermarket options or a generic throttle body that anyone has had success with? Any tips on finding good condition replacements?

The TB part number is 7700871215, with other F3R/F4R TBs from Lagunas/Meganes having compatible TBs with part number 7700113286. 7711155379 is another part number and appears to be an RS Cup-specific part number.

Keen for any assistance.
  172 Ph1, Meg GT220
I was taking a closer look today and when the butterfly is slightly open there is a small amount of play on the spindle. I assume this means the spindle bushes are shot and have grit in them.

can these be rebuilt easily?

G Hut

ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, V90 T8
From memory there was a uk ebay seller boring them out to a wider diameter and re-bushing a while back, the listing used to mention corrected sticking. Just checked and cant see a listing from him on ebay and not seen for a while.

Maybe someone on here knows who it was

chris blue

ClioSport Area Rep
  172 Ph1 2001
When i first purchased my 172 Phase 1 in 2016, I had all the problems you are talking about. First i replaced the throttle body as the butterfly seemed really loose (I tried to repair the butterfly several times) then the ICV was cleaned, then replaced. Including gasket, and checked for air leaks.

Remember queing in a line of traffic and the revs were up and down to about 3krevs just by touching the accelerator pedal, which was embarrasing in a line of traffic. Got some weird looks as they thought my engine was about to rev itself to death. Even got filthy looks at track days when driving from parking space to the track by people walking about, bcos the car used to rev, pretty much, when it wanted- so had a decal on the bonnet "Sticky throttle"

Then started playing around with the throttle cable after that got stuck a few times , which also snapped at one stage i recall and had to call roadside services to come help (He didnt do anything i couldnt have done), so I lubricated the internal steel wire cable throughout its length, then replacing the throttle cable. It ended up that was replaced 3 times and funny enough it was the cheapest replacement that seemed to work best in the end and has been on their ever since.

Had more problems with the throttle body, so got that rebored to 64mm i think it was, and had a new spindle and butterfly, and after doing all these 3 things , after about a year it seemed to have cured the problem and havent had any problems since

But like you, it was a real pain.

So its throttle cable lubricate (Especially around the throttle body area, and near throttle cable,) New ICV, refurbish/clean well the throttle body with the butterfly, spindle and increase the bore, and replace the accelerator cable seemed to be the main 3 things that did it for me.

Have also put on matched inlet manifolds- not sure if it assisted in getting rid of the problem, but certainly smoother after putting them on
I also have this problem, but only when the engine is warm, and since it's a pure track car, I only have issues with it, when driving from the paddock to the line-up. But I can imagine it being a real issue when driving the car as a daily.
I haven't really looked into this, but I always thought about adding a strong custom return spring. Wouldn't that solve the issue? Ofcourse heavier throttle as well.
  172 Ph1, Meg GT220
Its a complete ballache in stop-start traffic. Today took it on a good country run, about 200km travelled. Before I left I sprayed WD40 around the spindle on both sides of the throttle housing and it was markedly better. Only a temporary fix.

i remember seeing the guy on ebay with the uprated throttle body. 64mm oversize will have negligible improvement but just a new spindle and bushes alone would be worth it. Alas, havent seen him advertising recently :(

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
If that's same guy I may send my spare one to him as I've just replaced cable and it's still sticking a little occasionally
  172 Ph1
That eBay link looks only to be motorised TB if I read it correctly . Nowhere does it say Ph1 and no pictures I can’t see of our Ph1 TB.

chris blue

ClioSport Area Rep
  172 Ph1 2001
Ive got a copy of the ebay ad for the " Clio 172 phase 1 enlarged throttle body 64mm" advert

the seller was " sneakapeak99 " located in Langport, Somerset

But that was Janury 2017

Edit: Found it: Just realised it is same link as post above. Thats the guy that did mine, much improved

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  172 Ph1, Meg GT220
Thats a much cheaper option than getting Renault to make a new one.

I have two so I will get the spare one sent to him for the work.

Naughty Boy

Brembo! Brembo! Brembo!
ClioSport Club Member
You need to adjust the butterfly (side to side) so it doesn’t catch on the edges, known problem.

This should sort it out however I purchased a new one from Renault as a spare just incase.

If i remember correctly it was £350 and still available.

chris blue

ClioSport Area Rep
  172 Ph1 2001
Got to underline that replacing the ICV worked a treat too... and gasket
New gasket for the throttle body too

And when he replaces the butterfly and pivot spindle they have to be a bigger size, as he rebores the throttle body out a couple MM too
That would smooth out imperfections and make a perfect fit
  172 Ph1, Meg GT220
You need to adjust the butterfly (side to side) so it doesn’t catch on the edges, known problem.

This should sort it out however I purchased a new one from Renault as a spare just incase.

If i remember correctly it was £350 and still available.

How is it possible to adjust them?
  172 Ph1, Meg GT220
Got to underline that replacing the ICV worked a treat too... and gasket
New gasket for the throttle body too

And when he replaces the butterfly and pivot spindle they have to be a bigger size, as he rebores the throttle body out a couple MM too
That would smooth out imperfections and make a perfect fit

The ICV is a year old VDO unit and fresh gaskets all round.
  172 Ph1, Meg GT220
Throttle body slowly deteriorating again :(

once its warmed up its an absolute b**ch to drive slowly. Spraying a bit of WD40 around the the spindle helps for a few days.

everything is sparkling clean, there is just too much play in the spindle
  172 Ph1, Meg GT220
If i could get my hands on one of these , I’d die a happy man





chris blue

ClioSport Area Rep
  172 Ph1 2001
Spend the £90 and get the ebay chap to overhaul yours

If the throttle body is the issue, i reckon thatll solve it
  172 Ph1, Meg GT220
Spend the £90 and get the ebay chap to overhaul yours

If the throttle body is the issue, i reckon thatll solve it
Yeah i messaged him earlier, he is still happy to do phase 1 TBs. it’ll mean taking the car out of action for a while.
  172 Ph1, Meg GT220
@Dave 200 one listed on the bay, maybe get this one refurbished

Not my listing
Cheers mate, got my eye on it now. Certainly a more convenient option than shipping mine over at the mercy of overseas mail services
  172 Ph1, Meg GT220
Received back the throttle body from the ebay fella, installed. Its sticking so needs some adjustment. Overall quality of the work is very good but wish it worked perfect first time. He has offered some tips on how to adjust the butterfly slightly to stop it rubbing.
  Clio 172 phase 1
I'm after a throttle body if anyone sees any for sale. Sorry to hijack thread. Sticky throttle. Changing cable today but would rather long term fix

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