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Phone question - upgrading soon...

I'm useless with mobile phones, so I ask your advice on this one.

Milton Keynes is soon to get free "wireless web" across the main city, and I wish to be able to get "decent" internet on my new phone when it arrives.

It's a crying shame that the Nokia N73 doesn't have wifi otherwise that'd be ideal.

I want a phone with reasonable battery, decent camera (2 mp+), good screen size and colours and wifi.

I am currently considering an O2 XDA exec or Orbit.

Any thoughts or reviews?
  MINI Cooper S
I had XDA mini S... i liked it for about a month, then it just got pure annoying because of the size, and how long it takes to send a txt message! (even with the full keyboard thing its got)... I have always liked the orange SPV handsets (not the PDA things, will never buy a PDA phone again) but i dont think any of them have got wifi yet... Check on they usualy have all the latest phone reviews etc...
Re: Phone question - upgrading soon...bought Orbit

Ordered an Xda Orbit in the end.

220 anytime mins and 500 texts rollover
£20 per month
£40 phone

Seemed a reasonable deal to me. Fingers crossed the wifi is as good as they say it is, if so then it should be a tidy little phone.

If not it'll go on ebay for £300 and I'll buy another phone!

Just need to download a decent gps software for it now, tomtom mobile perhaps as it has an inbuilt gps.
  Golf GTI 1.8T
sounds like a good pur-chase to me.

it says on the O2 website that that xda comes with free sav nav software. did you not get it direct then?
I got the old version mda compact 2, cant go wrong.

you will get pissed off if you need to type a quick text on the move though.
sounds like a good pur-chase to me.

it says on the O2 website that that xda comes with free sav nav software. did you not get it direct then?

It does come with free £99.99's worth of software, but I don't know if they removed that because I got a "better" deal. Either way, I'll just download it and put it on the phone in due course.

Yeah, texting may be annoying I think although apparently it has a touch screen keyboard for texting.
