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Phone Upgrade - need help choosing


ClioSport Club Member
  172 FF and Fabia VRS
simple question

upgrade is due tomorrow, called last night i get get 18month contract with 600 mins and unlimited tx for £35 a month with 500mb of data

or 24month with the same bits but its £33 a month.

what phone do i do - was asking about the HTC Desire. I would wait for the HD but O2 are not getting it?

HTC or something else???




ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Wouldn't get a 24 month one for just £2 less, also is there any other choice than the iPhone?


ClioSport Club Member
  172 FF and Fabia VRS
i didnt ask - i was just talking to them about the HTC cause i was trying to get info for the HTC Desire HD

i going to ring o2 again and see.

I know HTC and IPhone are 2 options but want peoples opinions

Head Teacher at school has a desire and its not lasting him half a day.
I got a works blackberry - not overly convinced
and just so many mixed things about the IPhone

would like the a smartphone but not sure which.....
  E87 118d M Sport
iPhone. If not you'll just regret it when one of your mates gets one out and shows you how pathetic your other excuse for a phone is in comparison.
  Bus w**ker
Blackberry 9800 Torch is due out tomorrow, requires a higher IQ to use than an iPhone but as yet I've not read a consumer review of it.

I was getting one myself but they initially releases them with a price of £300 and I'm not paying that for a phone so got the iPhone 4...and now today the f**king Torch is announced as being rolled out for free on contract by both Voda and Orange. c***s.

Still in 14 days of my new contract so considering sending the iPhone back.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
What do you think of the iphone sy? I know you were a berry man.

I'm moving ovr to the darkside as really they are just so good at what they do, such a simple idea but brilliantly executed.

Don't change sy you'll regret it. The only thing i'll miss is the qwerty buttons! Touch screen here I come!


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Blackberry 9800 Torch is due out tomorrow, requires a higher IQ to use than an iPhone but as yet I've not read a consumer review of it.

I was getting one myself but they initially releases them with a price of £300 and I'm not paying that for a phone so got the iPhone 4...and now today the f**king Torch is announced as being rolled out for free on contract by both Voda and Orange. c**ts.

Still in 14 days of my new contract so considering sending the iPhone back.

Torch is garbage.
  Bus w**ker
What do you think of the iphone sy? I know you were a berry man.

I'm moving ovr to the darkside as really they are just so good at what they do, such a simple idea but brilliantly executed.

Don't change sy you'll regret it. The only thing i'll miss is the qwerty buttons! Touch screen here I come!
I don't hate the iP4, it's a good phone, but it does frustrate me - but then so did my BB when I first got that. Everyone I've spoken too and everything I've read claims that the iP4 is the best phone in the world EVER part 12. It's not, not by a long shot.

iP4 v BB, I couldn't give an all out winner. Both devices have their own strengths and weaknesses, but having read the Engadget review Tom's posted I won't be sending my iP4 back to grab a Torch; as much as it pains me.

Pros and Cons for the iP4 over a BB:


  • Looks
  • Faster (by f**king miles)
  • Screen clarity
  • Responsiveness of touch screen
  • The OS/GUI is cleaner (even compared to OS6)
  • Camera
  • Battery life
  • GPS (locks on quicker than any other device I've used)
  • More RAM (less slow downs and constant needs to reboot)
  • Facebook App (Yes RIM has one and it's ok, but the Apple version destroys is)
  • iPod
  • iTunes
  • App Store
  • App cost
  • HD Video
  • Full folder email sync
  • Safari

  • Touch screen (Painful to type long emails/texts etc, especially if you're used to qwerty and use punctuation)
  • Auto correction
  • Overly restrictive OS and settings
  • No on screen email notification (WTF? No the badge don't count, I want the same as text or Facebook)
  • No flashy coloured light (My god do I miss that for notifications)
  • Limited ability to change sounds for different messages (Text, email, Facebook etc)
  • Uploading photos to social networking (Integrated into BB menu, but have to go in to individual app on iP)
  • iTunes (Yeah it features in both as it can be in a pain in the arse)
  • No BBM
  • Alarm (seriously how did Apple make it so s**t?)
  • No custom ringer profiles (On or off)
There could be more but I can't think of anything else at the minute, plus some of the above cons can probably be worked around with Apps or with a bit more knowledge.

At the end of the day I've had a BB for years and knew how to make it do what I wanted, but with the iP it feels as though Apple think they know what I want and force me to have that. And they are soooooo wrong the majority of the time. However I can't think of another device currently on the market that would fulfil my needs, so I'll stick with the iP4 for a year or so and then see.
  E87 118d M Sport
Sounds like the cons are the smallest of problems in the world. and the pros are MASSIVE features (imo)


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

  • Touch screen (Painful to type long emails/texts etc, especially if you're used to qwerty and use punctuation)
  • Auto correction
  • Overly restrictive OS and settings
  • No on screen email notification (WTF? No the badge don't count, I want the same as text or Facebook)
  • No flashy coloured light (My god do I miss that for notifications)
  • Limited ability to change sounds for different messages (Text, email, Facebook etc)
  • Uploading photos to social networking (Integrated into BB menu, but have to go in to individual app on iP)
  • iTunes (Yeah it features in both as it can be in a pain in the arse)
  • No BBM
  • Alarm (seriously how did Apple make it so s**t?)
  • No custom ringer profiles (On or off)
Almost Total agreement. Except the touchscreen bit, you could use a bluetooth keyboard.
I had my bb 9700 now for two months, its s**t battery lasts over a week cos im never on it, i had iphone 3gs and wish i went for iphone 4, luckily i got bb on pay as you go so im still due upgrade with contract soon.
You could definitely assign a ringtone at one point, I'm certain they added that. Maybe it was in a beta and it's bee removed.

Auto correction can be a mother f**king pain sometimes. It's got worse since the dictionary thing too.

As for the typing, you get used to it. Double space does a full stop, Sy. That speeds things up.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
A keyboard? On the move?

And DK always waffled on about the email being better on the iPhone.

How is that possible?

The bb email comes like a text message, on the iPhone don't you have to go looking to see if you have any?
  Punto/Clio GTT
£35 a month for desire is high?

i only pay £30 with 3gb internet, 600 minutes 500 texts (t-mobile). i dont use anywhere near my allowance either tbh


ClioSport Club Member
  Seat Leon Cupra
I've just ordered the Desire HD through mobilephones direct on O2. £105 for phone £30/month, unlimited text, 500mb mobile web, 100 mins. If you go through you also get £30 cash back. O2 said they couldn't even give me a date on when they were expecting it for upgrade, looks like they may be shooting themselves in the foot and pinning hopes on a windows 7 phone launch. You can get a slightly better deal on there with T-mobile but I need to stay with O2 for discounted broadband.
  Bus w**ker
you could use a bluetooth keyboard.
Hmm hadn't thought of that. Could come in useful, at least at work. I can type on it, but just no where near as quickly as I can type on a BB. Guess with time though I'll get used to it. The A, L and M keys seem to be the ones that cause me the most problems at the minute. I'm either inserting random capital letters in word, deleting a random letter or suddenly writing a new paragraph lol.

You could definitely assign a ringtone at one point, I'm certain they added that. Maybe it was in a beta and it's bee removed.

Auto correction can be a mother f**king pain sometimes. It's got worse since the dictionary thing too.

As for the typing, you get used to it. Double space does a full stop, Sy. That speeds things up.
I've just looked and you're right, you can set a ringtone for individuals. Having a different sound for texts, emails or facebook notifications is just one of those things I came to rely on with my BB, same with the different coloured light. made it easy to know when I could ignore it without paying too much attention.

I'm slowly starting to get used to auto correction and so far it's not caught me out, f**k knows how it works though as some of the suggestions for things I've typed have made me laugh. Can't remember what it was now, but the word c**t threw up a few random things before it learnt.

So that's why I was ending up with two full stops PMSL. I thought it was just my fat fingers mashing the wrong key! Ta, that will actually come in handy.
And DK always waffled on about the email being better on the iPhone.

How is that possible?

The bb email comes like a text message, on the iPhone don't you have to go looking to see if you have any?
Push or fetch email is pretty much the same no matter what device you're on. Although the push from my Gmail and Hotmail accounts to the iP does seem a lot quicker and more reliable than it was on my BB, but I put that down to Orange and their w**k BIS. For me the thing that's a MASSIVE improvement over the BB email is that the iP gives you easy access to all of your folders. So I can move stuff about without having to log in through a browser. Pictures will explain it better.



Get to all my accounts inboxes with just one button press from the dock.

Just thought of another con though. The iP comes with a USB sync/power cable that's about 2cm long. :nono:
Have recently had a HTC desire after god knows how many years of BB ownership. HTC is so fast in comparirison, miles better in almost every sense but BB destroys HTC for email I would have to say!

Getting two days battery life by manaing wireless connectons.
  182FF with cup packs
Have recently had a HTC desire after god knows how many years of BB ownership. HTC is so fast in comparirison, miles better in almost every sense but BB destroys HTC for email I would have to say!

Getting two days battery life by manaing wireless connectons.

I can highly reccomnd Y5 Bettery Saver from the market. It remembers the cell towers you recieve when you are connected to remembered wifi AP's, then turns wifi on and off automatically when you enter/exit those areas.
