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Photo editing software

  White APE
I'm in need of some software to edit my photos. Mainly for working with RAW images, adjusting white balance etc.

I used to used photoshop cs2 back In college which always did what I wanted. Heard people talking about lightroom also but have no experience of it.

Oh, and where can I obtain these at the lowest cost?

Lightroom is definitely one of the best applications for Windows. Download the free trial from the Adobe website and give it a go to see if you like it first.
Lightroom3 is in the sale in most places at the minute too as LR4 is due soon. If you are interested in doing Video work, it might be worth waiting for LR4 instead.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Iirc Amazon have elements for £35 atm, looking at buying this myself as my acquired copy of CS4 has lost it's Adobe Camera Raw plug in.
  1.2 Mk2 Clio P1
Photoshop CS5 is undoubtedly the best, but it's very very expensive at on average £600 (

I currently have the Adobe Lightroom 4 Beta which is free for now! Good way to test it out and see if you like it ( I will almost definitely be buying it whenever it get's released.

On a slightly related note, if you have access to a Mac then I would very highly recommend Apples own Aperture, it's a very very good piece of photo editing and managing software and at around £100 it's well priced too, but you just need the £1k+ Mac to use it.. :p
  1.2 Mk2 Clio P1
Well there you go, haven't bought it in about 2 years so I just went by the price that I paid for it ;)
  Fiesta ST-3
Gimp will not edit in raw format! I use photoshop elements 9. Think it's like £60 and it does raw editing, it's more than good enough for me and there is still do much I don't even know!
