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Photoshop help Borders


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
How the f**k!!!!!!!!! Do you do it! I've got instructions and i still cant do it!!! Such a simple bloody job and you need a degree just to do that!

Got PS Elements 6

  1.2 Dynamique billabong
if you just want a black edge use the rectangle selection tool to highlight the edge of the image > edit (at top of the screen) > stroke then choose the thickness of it
Its possibly the simplest thing to do in photoshop.

Ctrl + A = Select All

Select > Modify > Border

Pick how many pixels wide you want it

Edit > Fill

Then pick black/white or your foreground/background colours

another way
ctrl+j duplicate layer
ctrl click on top layer icon then right click to add a stroke of your choice

Alt + ctrl+I brings up canvas size
go for a percentage of roughly 110 all round
select the colour you want voila
