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Photoshop Please

  Nissan Jewk

Quote: Originally posted by JoelDee on 05 June 2005
Nice anyone know where I might be able to get my wheels done in pink?

Why would you want them in pink? Sssssssmall weirdo!
  2004 1.2 Dynamique

All I want is a simple photoshop of my wheels in black, why do everytime i post i get a thousand f**kin insults from a set of southern soft ponsey c**ts, and the mods are as bad they do f**k all

  Nissan Jewk

Im confused? All i saw was your post asking where you can get them done in pink, so i questioned it?
  2004 1.2 Dynamique

No you didnt why you lying you fackin thin back

you saw dans photoshop of my car with pink wheels which he removed

What you bringing me into this for? Its got nothing to do with me that you want pink wheels, then you have a little strop!

Little Newms

ClioSport Club Member
  182, D2 Td5 & 840CI

Joel i think this toy next to me belongs to you??? U must have thrown them all out

"from a set of southern soft ponsey c**ts" tut tut tut tut

oh my Joel, looking for a Ban? "southern soft ponsey c**ts"
how about you put a pic of england up with a line drawn on it where north and south meet in your opinion then well give you a day ban for everyone in the club south of that line..

Quote: Originally posted by JoelDee on 05 June 2005
All I want is a simple photoshop of my wheels in black, why do everytime i post i get a thousand f**kin insults from a set of southern soft ponsey c**ts, and the mods are as bad they do f**k all


I think thats a personal insult! Well done Joel! Youve insulted half the club!

Youre my hero!

Little Newms

ClioSport Club Member
  182, D2 Td5 & 840CI

Im hurt by joel!!!!!!!! Dont think ill be the same ever again, a ban on joels part might help ;)

Quote: Originally posted by Loony on 05 June 2005
And Dan living in France is even more insulted than the rest of us. hope youre happy :cry:

Well out of all the people he did insult, he was right with you! You are a c**t! ;)

Ban him too ^^^^ im posting some frogs legs laced with anthrax to you and some chips and gravy laced with anthrax to Joel the northern monkey, neither of you will be able to resist, mwahahahahah
  2004 1.2 Dynamique

If I get banned Dan should too hes done nothing but give me abuse for the past 3 days! What a c**t

Little Newms

ClioSport Club Member
  182, D2 Td5 & 840CI

1. Dan is lovely never says a bad word

2. U dont understand french so u lie

3. He gives great blowies, moderators love em

Quote: Originally posted by JoelDee on 05 June 2005
If I get banned Dan should too hes done nothing but give me abuse for the past 3 days! What a c**t

3 days? yeah ok! I wont be able to give you abuse for the next 7 days anyway...
