Quote: Originally posted by Matt - Leics on 21 September 2002
Just noticed.. it even has a sun roof!
Quote: Originally posted by LefTie on 21 September 2002
the colour the skirts are painted is actually good painted but when you stand in front of the car it looks like another colour and when you watch it from a different position everything is ok..
the install was placed a few hours before the picture was taken so everything will be ok in the coming days.. first i need a .... to give power to my playstation 2 ( i dont know the name of that thing right now ) )
i waited with lowering the car and also changing the tyres because i wanted to see how the kit would fit with standard wheels but like you guys said LOWERING the car and CHANGING the size of the weels has to be done in the future.. by the way the local Renault dealer told me that lowering your car also as replacing the standard wheels will cause trouble because of the ESP.. is this true???
ps. : JonL --> your critics,opinions and advices are welcome )
Quote: Originally posted by GirlRacer on 21 September 2002
Where in Holland? I have a couple of friends in Amsterdam and another friend in Zwolle.
Rotterdam, amsterdam rulezz
Quote: Originally posted by shaun on 21 September 2002
Well done for trying but i dont think you have done the car justice.
you should hear the sound of the car, believe me he is enjoying every mile i ride
Quote: Originally posted by BUTRE on 22 September 2002
Any engine mods? ... keep the fiber glass of the race.
only a k&n filter kit.. i am looking for a company who can modify my engine without losing my 2 jears garantee at Renault..
Quote: Originally posted by NowhereMan on 23 September 2002
Cool, bought my RS at the same dealer
Just wondering, where did you get all the bodywork done? Is it from Prima Sport?