Well I'm back...and knackered lol.
I started at 10:30 and finished at 19:30. Beating my previous record by two hour pmsl.
n00b views, it's easy...as long as you have the previous knowledge of detailing by hand, the right products, pads, time and patience. Oh and have read LOTS.
Now I'm not going to lie and say I've got 100% correction, I don't think that's possible with a RO TBH, but it's much better than anything I've been able to get done by hand and well I am s**t HOT at detailing by hand FLOL! It's no where near the quality of JD, Ali or any other experienced and good detailer but for a first effort I'm more than happy. Although when I first cracked on with it this morning I was pissed off as it didn't seem to be doing anything that I couldn't of done by hand...until I switched up the pads
Would I do it for someone else? Probably not, well not right now anyway. I'll practise on my Dad's and sister's cars first and then possibly do one of my mates if they ask. It's not that I don't feel confident that I couldn't give some else's car a good going over, but because I don't have enough experience to take peoples cash in exchange for a minty mint detailed car...nor do I have the time TBH. Plus I'd need to expand my products as I only carry stuff primarily for silver cars, yeah I could use it on other colours but it wouldn't get the best out of the paint.
Anyway examples of today's work. This is after a wash, clay, polish, glaze and seal. No wax on there atm as I was hungry, sunburnt and tired. So that's on the list for tomorrow.
Jamie, Trax isn't until September mate (6th IIRC). The other thing, which I've still not asked you about is this Saturday weather dependant.