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Privilage and Cup Packs

  LY V6 with Recaros
I'm going to go from elephant to privilage when my insurance runs out next month, how are they with the cup packs on the 182? Shall I tell them about it or not? I told elephant, which was a big mistake as they ended up adding £100 on to my policy! I don't want to make the same mistake again, but I've never been with privilage before, I don't want to not tell them, and then have to make a claim and they won't pay out. Has anyone had any experiences with them?
i really wouldn't bother... hardly seems worth it... they wouldn't void your policy because of it as its been discussed many times. its up to you... i think we would have heard about it on here if it had happened to anyone tbh. Up to you though.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I got them to list everything on the Megane, different colour wheels, Recaros, lowered suspension, drilled discs, xenons etc all at no extra cost. I told them it was all factory fit and it was a brand new car, so long as its factory fitted you shouldn't incur an additional cost.
  RB 182 with CUP packs
I just listed mine as a 182 & gave them the reg no. Should bring up exact model on their database iirc.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
i don't see the point in not telling them, it doesn't cost anything and its added piece of mind, every single extra item over the standard car is listed on my policy documents and I paid for the insurance online and was charged no more.
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  LY 200
I agree with Gareth, I told my insurance about my cup packs .. and as they are factory fitted and not after market there was no charge, the problem with some companies is they have no knowledge and hence people getting charged or having problems with cup packs. I still have the original proof of purchase for my car that shows they are factory fitted Debs if you need a copy I can e-mail to you, someone else used this before on here to resolve the same problem.
  LY V6 with Recaros
Cheers, I know it shouldn't matter about telling them, but after the trouble I had last year with elephant not understanding that it came out of the factory like that, I'm a bit wary about telling insurers now, incase they whack extra on top again!
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4

This is what I did with Priviledge:

1. Ran up a quote online for the std car, wrote the price down.

2. Phoned them up and asked them what I should do about the extras, they advised me to take the policy out online and then call them to have them added.

3. Took the policy out online at the original price.

4. Phoned them up and had the extras fitted, no additional charge.

I've also had my policy amended with my private reg and there was no additional charge, unlike Elephant who charged me for everything (b@st@rds).
  106 GTi
That's handy to know re. the no extra charges for policy ammendments.

Mine is due middle of Feb, waiting for the renewal to come through before I phone around. Privilage are sounding quite compeitive these days then, worth a call?
  LY V6 with Recaros
Privilage are far cheaper than any other company I've tried this year. £570, my cheapest other quotes are around the £800 mark. My renewal with elephant is £150 dearer than it was last year too!
  106 GTi
I have always got Elephant/Admiral/Bell quotes and used then to get a price matched quote from my insurance company. Will try Privilage along with the above this time round then.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
each year I change my insurance company, it seems to me that each year one of them stands out as the cheapest, this year, without a doubt, it is Priviledge, I've recommended them to several people this year and they have all thanked me.
Do Privilege actuallly allow mods Gareth? Are you 25?

I think Directline owns Privilege which seems to require you to be 25 to change anything, a shame considering their premiums are normally very reasonable (relatively anyway).
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I don't know about mods, I don't have any intention to mod the 225, so haven't bothered to ask. I am 25.
  RS Clio 200
they dont allow mods if ure under 25... i was with them until i stuck my exhaust on... only cost me 400 too ... little egits!

need 4 years NCB to go with them mind.
I just put the reg in and it found the car, didn't tell them about them. If there's any queries I can probably get renault to confirm they were factory fit. I was told that it would be £15 to amend policy details.


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
whats the point?

some 1.2 clios come with electric windows/ sun roof.... then a year down the line it loses the sunroof and gains aircon... but how do you know?

its still the same car model etc, just spec changes. Its like xenons, some clios can have them as an £500 option, some don't. Now when this car is sold on, to say my mum, she wouldnt have a clue if they were xenons or not

its not worth it they will see it as a mod......

Would you tell them if it had an 6 disc changer? How do you know it didnt come with a single disc player, and then someone upgraded to the optional 6 disc version

There should be no need to tell them about cup packs, as it left the factory like this.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
granted there should be no need, but with the way insurance companies can be about these things and the fact that it hasn't cost me anything extra to have them listed, why wouldn't I?


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
if it costs you nothing then thats ok :)

i've seen people on here be charged for them when there is no need.
  106 GTi
Are Privilage the same company as Direct Line?

Had my renewal through today, just tried Privailage, Elpehant, Bell etc none can beat the rewal price.
