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problem playing wmv files...

  Audi S3 225
just a quick question, my computer has decided to not want to play wmv files properly anymore, i mean it plays them but if i stop the file or try skipping forward and resume etc it freezes. Never used to do this?? dont want to system restore just yet as last time i did taht i messed up my settings.

its windows media player 10, with all latest codecs and updates, And winxp sp2,

  Audi S3 225
i do use windows media player, ive done a serach and there is no updates, problem is i reinstalled the player and still no luck.
  Audi S3 225
i have vlc, only used it a few times tho for a few films. Dont like winamp any more, i prefer just having one player to play everything, ive never had problems on windows meadia player so really wanna stick with that. Is there any way to competly remove it and reinstall it, as all xp allows you to do it reapair it not uninstall it.
  Punto/Clio GTT
i been having problems with WMP too, wont play half of my mp3's and some of my films. thought it was codecs, so downloaded 2 different ones, but still no luck. so ive downloaded winamp again and that runs everything fine.
i uninstalled vlc as the only thing i used it for was my bin files and it wasnt really appealing. no real options, the skin was crap and it was very dull.

as for your problem, i have no idea other than try download a codec pack
