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Problem With Fans?

Just brought my new car home, and the fans are not blowing at all?

The only time it works is if you set it to the demister on the windscreen, but nowt coming through the fans?

Any idea's what can sort this, thanks?
  PH2 Flamer
Tried searching? Lots of threads regarding this problem. Mine was a faulty motor. But it can also be resistor pack.
  182cup & 172 racecar
I don't think you have explained yourself very well, putting the fan to windscreen wouldn't make any difference if it worked or not.

Try again.

The only time it works is if you set it to the demister on the windscreen, but nowt coming through the fans?
Only way i can explain is, when using a manual control and you turn the fan onto 4, it comes out that hard that you cant really hear the radio etc?

When the blowers are on high on this auto theres hardly any blow, but it IS still coming out, just very lightly.

Is it because the overall temp is reaching the 16oC its aiming for, or is it not blowing to full potential?

Yes mate, the heat is ok, but even with Air Con light on, and set to Mini, its still not even freezing cold, can hardly feel it tbh?

You think it could need the air con recharging, and even still, why would the fans not blow hard?
