I have no sympthy for companies that release unfinished games. People just shouldn't buy them and it would stop happening.
It's frustrating, but if people stop buying them then games don't get made. I wouldn't say it's unfinished though. Sure, a few issues here and there but an incredible job from a small team that started out with very little. There will always be issues with any software. Games are just inherently complex beasts and achieving performance and stability parity across multiple platforms is always going to be difficult. I feel for the dev's as they get all the ensuing sh!tstorm at the end of the day when it's in fact the publisher that's pushing the hard-to-meet deadlines and requests to release early and then patch later. I don't know of any developer (i.e. one who works hands-on on a game) that likes to release a known buggy piece of software. Sometimes they don't have that choice though.
(I'm not having a dig by the way mate, just trying to explain from a position on the other side) :smile:
True but these seem to be taking a lot longer to fix the bugs than most. Understandably they are small but it looks bad when a game breaking bug takes weeks to come out after they pushed back release time and time again saying they were just polishing it etc. I doubt they had even tried it on an xbox with a pad else they would have known straight away it needed a fix.
They are working hard on addressing the issues mate. To be fair they've had an awful lot of pressure on them and they've done an excellent job in my opinion

The guys working on this are serious sim-heads and are working to fix them - the issues - rather than sit on the relatively impressive sales to date. Ultimately their actions are dictated by the publishers though.
I do agree though that it looks bad but we crave ever-more advanced games, graphics, effects, physics, etc. and it makes the development process all the more difficult. Hence why I personally think they've done a good job and hope they can sort the issues asap. I have to admit that the bugs have not affected my enjoyment of the game (once I'd tweaked the controller settings).