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Project track 2013 - 04 182

  09 Audi A4 Sline 170
Made a purchase at the weekend after having been looking for a mint PH1 172 which I could not find I have went in the completely opposite direction.

Its a 2004 182, with 69k, belts done, brakes done, few other odds and ends sorted, full MOT with some limited history in fairly straight condition, no rust etc

Unfortunately it turned out that the car was Cat C in 2009. This was raised with the seller and after MUCH "negotiation" we reached a deal.

So instead of a car to cherish I have one that I will most likely strip out, put a few cheap mods on and track next year. I'm going to try not to spend anything this side of Xmas, but after that I will invest in;

Track tyres
Ported inlet
Possibly mapped

I'm fairly surprised how it goes and am happy that its fit for purpose. Had it not been insurance recorded I would have had bother telling it had been damaged and though it too clean to track.

Just one pic for now, the bonnet is open, but you get the idea.

Some of you may know the car from its previous life? Now residing in Northern Ireland.

  Lotus Elise
Looks fun, Clios are getting so cheap now.

I'd but better pads and disks at the top of the mod list ;)
