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PS3 in Las Vegas, today...

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Anyone have links to any news yet? Supposedly today is THE day that the world gets to see the new PlayStation. Should be interesting to see how it compares to the 360....

  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
I'd hazard a guess to check Sony's website in all honesty... or google technology news.
gt hd has been slated it seems it wasnt live so really doesnt show much most prob wasnt even run on anything but dev kit lol
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
sneeks I can't see how you can sasy its "not as stunning as I'd hoped" they are simply screenshots... what were you expecting?
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Of the various reports I've read so far most are not very positive about the PS3. I think they were expecting something which would be lots better than the 360, what we've got is pretty much the same but with a High Def DVD player.
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  Citroen DS3 DSport
DarthCake said:
sneeks I can't see how you can sasy its "not as stunning as I'd hoped" they are simply screenshots... what were you expecting?
It just doesn't look any better from those screenshots than any I've seen for the 360 or PC games, if anything they look worse. I'm still interested in buying a PS3 when it is released but I'll hold judgement till nearer release day.
blu-ray you mean ;)

tbh i think they will struggle for a november the 17th launch but who knows they were still bigging up the ps2 and psp at the show
  Nippy white cup
GTHD isn`t really the PS3 GT game is just a HD version..not using the new game engine as far as I was aware so it won`t be a good indication of whats to come. I couldn`t care less weather or not sony `lied` about it`s power. I think the xb360 games look amazing and if the ps3 looks as good then that`ll do for me. Alot of things you can`t see might be where the supposed extra power is going...can you tell how good a game plays or how realistic the physics engine is from a screen shot?

no your right you cant but they havent actually shown a ps3 running yet with people playing it anyway aparantly they tried to make the gthd demo look as if it was live
cliobuyer said:
Sweet, there are going to be bikes in the next GT then! Please god let you race them against cars!

what fun that will be bike in lead untill a corner then the car comes along knocks you off and ya die woot game over :p
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I think the PS3 games will be no better or worse than the 360 which means my decision to buy the PS3 will be made purely on the dvd aspect and the 1 or 2 exclusive games I'd like to play. If F1 PS3 turns out to be a great game then that alone will probably seal my purchase.
  top of the pyramid
Yeah was told you can get blue rey players from us for about £1k, wouldnt like to think how much recorders are, Because of the size of the disc does it mean that studios will make bigger games (more work for you +hopefully me in future) or will they make them same size and leave alot of space on discs?


We managed to fill PS 2 DVDs with the likes of Rugby and Cricket so extra space is needed. We used to have 2 to 3 games in development in this site, now the whole site is working on just one project leading on one platform for now and we're still taking on a lot of staff and expanding into the office next door.
to me all the extra space been needed just says video the games wont be better off for it they will just have more cutscenes :(


McBunny said:
to me all the extra space been needed just says video the games wont be better off for it they will just have more cutscenes :(

That depends on whether the cut scenes use game engine and locations or whether they are totally pre rendered.
you will have a mixture of both

i can see a huge increase in fmv again
like there was when cd drives first came out, more shite like wing commander etc or better stuff like command and conquer
  top of the pyramid
lookin forward to seeing the new MGS4 the cut scenes were hugh before so they must be massive now, lol
Ibanezman said:
Imagine how good a new Grand Theft Auto could be with all that extra space :cool:

yeah and you wont see it for 30 years as they try to fill 25 gig of disc space !!!!

more space will be used to store textures to allow them to be rendered at 1080p and the sound tracks will be 7.1 and a higher bitrate but unless they start using full 1080p raw video footage as cut scenes they wont be using much of the disc for a long time
  top of the pyramid
Yeah can u imagine waiting for 10gig of animation (fmvs) to render out, not alone animating it all
  Yaris Hybrid
Well it looks like I am vindicated.

I said the screenshots and videos released last summer were either doctored or fakes and I was right.

Dunno what the fanboys are thinking now. This was supposed to blow away the 360 and PC's yet its just more of the same.

Can't believe I was looking forward to todays announcement, what a complete disappointment.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Sony will not be happy:

LOS ANGELES--In one of the most shocking announcements at E3, Microsoft revealed that it quite literally stole away some of Sony's audience. One of the PlayStation's most notoriously popular franchises, the Grand Theft Auto series, is confirmed to be coming to the Xbox 360. Previous editions of GTA were released exclusively on the PlayStation 2 in October, and were later ported to the Xbox. Now we know that Grand Theft Auto 4 will be hitting the Xbox 360 on "day one", alongside the PlayStation 3 version of the game.
At today's Microsoft pre-E3 conference, Peter Moore pulled back his right shirt sleeve and revealed the familiar Halo 2 logo. Duping the audience into thinking that a new Halo was about to be announced, the Englishman then pulled back his left shirt sleeve, which revealed a tattoo that showed a Grand Theft Auto IV logo.
Grand Theft Auto IV will be available on October 16, 2007, in North America, and October 19 in Europe.
Moore did announce that Microsoft and Rockstar have signed an exclusive agreement to provide episodic content via Xbox Live, though he did not specifically limit the content to GTAIV.
Following the announcement during the Microsoft press conference, Rockstar Games issued a press release confirming that GTAIV would be hitting both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 simultaneously in the fall of 2007. The brief announcement specifically confirms that Scotland-based Rockstar North, creators of the previous GTA titles, will be developing the game
  Monaro VXR
You guys seen the prices there coming out at over in the states was announced the other day apparently $500 for the 20gb one and $600 for the 60gb hard drive version which is also the only one which has HDMI output.

But if its $600 for the higher end PS3 i sure hope they dont make that £600 over here if they do its gonna flop big time. Especially since the 360 will end up getting a good price cut i reckon when it comes out.

Iain C

ClioSport Club Member
Yeah the ps3 is far too costly.
Too little too late?
Tbh the 360 still hasnt swung me either. Just the same old games with slightly better graffix.
My mate brought his 360 over the other day and we tried it non hd and hd...I couldnt tell the difference, even tho he was spuffing! lol
  Monaro VXR
its a brand new system and non of the developers really know how to get the best from it yet give it a year or so and the games will look amazing.

The cheaper 20gb PS3 though gets quite a few features cut from it. And now no dual shock pads although the shock crap isnt really that much but the lack of HDMI and wifi is a bit of a bugger for such an expensive system. There being sold for around €600 as well so i have a feeling there gonna be £600 here. Or fairly close.


Sony have totally been owned this E3. Everything they have shown has been very "meh" and then to announce such a high price tag on the basic system, which lacks things others offer at a fraction of the price.

For me Sony have MGS4 and GT 5 as the only thing to sell the console to me now now that GTA will be in both at launch.

The one thing Sony do have is the average bloke on the street. You ask some lad in a pub which console he owns and which he'll buy next and it will be the PS2 and PS3. They'll still take a massive share of the market, but I do think this could be the start of a slippery slope for them.

I agree about the HD stuff Iain. Not much really shows it off, it's most noticeable with on screen text.

Nintendo are f**king gods though. If they innovate any more my head will explode.

Sonys excuse for lack of dual shock doesn't wash with me. Remember they got sued for using it, as did MS. MS then bought a share in the company suing them where as Sony ended up paying out through the courts. I doubt they are actually allowed to use it!!!

We've a couple of the new pads here, but without the triggers. Basically it's nothing new and still has the worst analogue sticks of any pad.

I'll still buy one though. lol

I've got about 40 E3 movies to watch this morning, looks like I'll not be doing much work.
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  Citroen DS3 DSport
I think I'll be more interested in the Nintendo Wii now rather than the PS3, at that price I'm not going to bother.
