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Radar Detectors

Can anybody advise me which is the best radar/speed gun detector available for a Clio182. I know the heat reflective windscreen causes problems with some systems. Does anyone have a sytem fitted to their 172/182 which works well,



I posted earlier today about installing Origin B2 GPS detector in my new 182 and got some good replies and advice. In particular HAS 16V who posts on here can supply them at a good price and MarkCup has installed one and posted on the interior, Ice...... forum a couple of weeks ago about installing it. The post was titled "Origin B" installed"

Hope that helps mate:)



Ive had an Origin B2 in both my 172 and then moved it to the 182. Does the trick perfectly. Unlike the Road Angel which is all in one the B2 is seperates. This way you can remove the laser detector should they be made illegal and also place the GPS receiver in the back to get a good lock.

Heres how it looked in my 172. The GPS receiver is in the rear drivers side window.

i got a road angel 2 and that works well in the 182, it sits in the gap at the bottom of the front screen no problem and it has a built in radar detector so no other messy wires

I have a Snooper S6. The radar detector sits in the gap in the windscreen coating and neetly runs to the main display which sits in the optional custom bracket over the central air vents. The GPS antenna is sitting on the rear parcel shelf, with the cabel running through the seat, under the carpet, under the handbrake shroud and then up inside the central consol. I have taken the power from the cigar lighter.

Simple to fit - 1 hour max.

System works like a dream.


The Government is very likely to make the use of RADAR detectors illegal again very soon.. However the detection of Laser will still be OK..

Note also that Radar guns will slowly be phased out soon anyway, (some police divisions have already done so) as they are not that easy to focus on individual vehicle in heavy traffic and they are short range.. Where as with Laser the beam width is very narrow and fairly easily focused on individual cars..

Also be aware that there are very strict guidelines that the police have to follow to operate the Laser speed detection equipment.

Useful info is available and and

I use a Snooper S4.. No need for the external GPS antenna as there is a non-reflective patch of glass in the windscreen at the bottom/middle.. Get 4 out of 5 bars of Sat signal..
