Yesterday I bought a Reno Clio 07 initiale 1.6
I took out what I thought was the radio/cd player, with the object of replacing it with a better radio/cd.
It appears that the unit I took out, is just a six cd player/auto changer, as instead of the standard ISO connectors on the back, I found a long narrow green connector with a row of wires along it, and a single wire connector on the opposite side of the unit.
Is the amp seperate? If so where is it?
I was hoping to replace this unit, and buy a adapter connector set, to still enable steering column use of controls, but I can't even seem to change the radio yet!
If anyone can advise, I would be most grateful.
I am a new member of 10 mins, so have not found out how to work the site yet, I will try and upload photo's later if they are required, if I can find out how to do it! If anyone replies and I don't respond it will not be because I am not grateful, but because I don't know how. If you include an email address it will perhaps be easyier for me (i'm getting too old for all this technology!)
Thank you.
I took out what I thought was the radio/cd player, with the object of replacing it with a better radio/cd.
It appears that the unit I took out, is just a six cd player/auto changer, as instead of the standard ISO connectors on the back, I found a long narrow green connector with a row of wires along it, and a single wire connector on the opposite side of the unit.
Is the amp seperate? If so where is it?
I was hoping to replace this unit, and buy a adapter connector set, to still enable steering column use of controls, but I can't even seem to change the radio yet!
If anyone can advise, I would be most grateful.
I am a new member of 10 mins, so have not found out how to work the site yet, I will try and upload photo's later if they are required, if I can find out how to do it! If anyone replies and I don't respond it will not be because I am not grateful, but because I don't know how. If you include an email address it will perhaps be easyier for me (i'm getting too old for all this technology!)
Thank you.
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