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RAID on Mk1 V6

  E91 M Sport

Does the UK spec Mk1 Clio V6 have the Renault Anti-Intruder Device fitted as standard? (you drive above 4mph and the doors lock)... car is with Renault, and their RTE has spent the day scratching his head, wondering why it doesnt work (although it beeps when you hold the button down). He then phoned a colleague at another garage, and was told it doesnt have it.

Is this true?
  3.0ltr V6

That would have been a good devise on the car. Mind you I lock my doors as soon as I get in the car (bad experience) !
  fat 182

does the 182 have it acording to renault web site it does and howdo you know its working if it does have it


Quote: Originally posted by dazraffan on 17 February 2005

does the 182 have it acording to renault web site it does and howdo you know its working if it does have it

All other Clio from 2001 have it as standard. As you drive off the doors will lock and the light will come on the locking button by the radio. If it doesnt you can activate it by holding down the locking button until it beeps
  Clio v6

Handbook says :

You can decide to activate this function if you wish.

To activate it.
With the the ignition on, press the central door locking button for about 5 seconds, until a beep is heard.

If you decide to keep the doors locked when driving, remember that it may be more difficult for those assisting you to gain access to your vehicle in the event of an emergency.
