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rattle’s like f##k


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup

any 1 else get well chessed off with inteirior light consol on roof lining of 172/182 buzzing like hell from the bass? any 1 sucessfully sound proofd the little bugger ?:mad:
  One with a few more

Give it a hard thump, if you havent done that 100o times already!!

Could it maybe be not the plastic itself but a loose fitting inside where the lights are?


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup

if it were only that easy hun! its the whole thing vibrating against the roof lining got 2 jl12 w6s and that lkie ta shake things including said bit of plastic its doin my head in lol
  One with a few more

ah right. I can understand the problem but cant say its ever happened witht he console usually really annoying getting out and used to hear the bump strips going
