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RB Night shoot

  RB One Eight Two
Seeing as it was clean, I ventured out tonight to a carpark which I knew was lit well for some low light shots of the 182. Pretty pleased with how they have turned out.

Comments welcome











  Inferno 182 & Saxo
Looks excellent that, really sets off the colour well. Car parks look lit very well too perfect for those shots
  RB One Eight Two
Thanks for the kind comments guys, really appreciate it and glad you like them :) I spotted the car park a few weeks ago and noticed it had white halogens instead of the orange ones and thought that is prime, no need to adjust white balance in Photoshop either.

@ Liquid Yellow 182 - yes mate, we will sort a shoot. When im next in Norwich I will let you know.


ClioSport Club Member
Superb! Perfect as it is. Please keep the wheels as they are!

It really shows up what an awesome colour Racing Blue is. I love it under forecourt lights, it looks almost purple.
  RB One Eight Two
Superb! Perfect as it is. Please keep the wheels as they are!

It really shows up what an awesome colour Racing Blue is. I love it under forecourt lights, it looks almost purple.

Cheers Christopher ;) I would love a set of silver Turinis but I can't justify spending the money on them when it needs other things doing to it soon, so the wheels are staying as they are. They will be getting a refurb but will be staying Silver. Might have a look at a getting a brighter silver. I totally agree mate, RB is just awesome. Love how it changes colour in different light.

Jheeeez you do wh0re your car out in the media section...

Good job it's a minter! :eek:

Haha! Well I thought it deserved some loving as its been neglected for a few weeks :eek:
Hi all, been lurking a while ;) and these are some of the best RB pics I've come across! Reflection in Pic 6 looks amazing!
  RB One Eight Two
Crackin shots those!
What you get them with? :)

Cheers dude. All shot using a Nikon D80 with a Nikkor 18-70mm Lens on a tripod using a remote at around 2sec exposure, any longer and the blue went a mental colour and was too over exposed.

Hi all, been lurking a while ;) and these are some of the best RB pics I've come across! Reflection in Pic 6 looks amazing!

Cheers mate. Much appreciated :)


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Over exposed > 2 seconds ? Looking at your light bursts, I'd say these were at F8 or below....? 2 seconds ?! Really ? Can you link me to one of the photos on flickr, chap ? :)

Try a much tigher aperture.. like F16 or 22. Set the camera to aperture mode, set it to Iso 100 and F22, then let the camera work out the shutter speed. See what happens ...

  RB One Eight Two
Sorry mate, they weren't taken on a 2 second they were taken on 3 second exposure at F/4.0 ISO 100, they seem to come out fine...


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Oh yes, they are just fine, but tighter aperture will give you nicer star bursts on the lights instead of a massive glow.

Like I said, give it a go and see what you think. Nothing to lose and not taking anything away from your pics :)
  RB One Eight Two
Oh yes, they are just fine, but tighter aperture will give you nicer star bursts on the lights instead of a massive glow.

Like I said, give it a go and see what you think. Nothing to lose and not taking anything away from your pics :)

Cheers mate. I will give that a go next time ;)
  RB One Eight Two
Does this car ever get used? :O

Awesome as always.

Cheers mate :) It gets used more than I would like tbh, but I can't help but smile when I get in it. I love it.
  F56 MINI Cooper S
Just seen the thread pal, looks stunning, wheres the location? could do with a few good ones myself haha
