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Rear badges on ph2

  Astra (H) VXR
Was wanting to take the badges off, are the just on by adhesive?

Also the rear diamond badge? How hard is it to get off? Wanting to spray it black.

Thanks guys
Iirc the Renault sport badge is just stuck on but if you take the clio badge off it will leave two holes in your boot lid.
  Renault Clio 1.2 16v
Do the clio badges come off the boot lid easily?

If you're careful you can pry them off with a flat head screwdriver wrapped in a microfibre or towell; I took the interior boot trim off of the inside of the boot lid and pushed it through from the inside. There are two small round rubber prongs that clip through the boot lid :)
  (s)Low Dynamique
Yeah the best way is to take it off from inside the boot lid, I found it easiest to get two spoons (yes spoons haha), and push both prongs at the same time with the back of the spoons. It's a bit fiddly but if you're not careful you will snap the rubber prongs off and have to glue them back on!
