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Rear Spoiler Needed, but Where From


I am in need of several things. If anyone could help me track some companys that could supply anyone of these things.

1) Rear soiler, nothing to mad. Maybe one like Adam Munns.

2) Side skirts, again nothing mad, just something to tidy up the sills.

3) One of those silver oval things that people put on the front of cars, I beleve they are to feed the air filter. Mostly found on cars such as renault 5s.


Ill show you my "silver overal thing" at southend, or max power.
Well pleased with it.
Cant remember where i got it from?
My mate just painted a port out of a sub box silver tho. Does the trick!

Sideskirts and spoiler you gotta talk to Prima and places like that. You may find one at max power live tho, so id hold on till then.


Got mine from Prima - No Brake Light, £65.00. Loads of people have commented on how it suits the car really well (and I think so too )- I can upload a picture of it on the car, if you want me to...


Its just the "Rear Tailgate Spoiler". Ill try and get a pic up soon - I have like, 500 pics of my car, but not one of them shows the spoiler off really well

  Lionel Richie

Silver oval things you can get from GTTuning (i think) as for spoiler/skirts try (its in german so you have to do some guess work to find what your looking for!!)
  Lionel Richie

Click on the fifth menu option on the left "Fahrzeugmodelle" then "clio 1"

From the top drop down menu select "Karosserie" and on the bottom one you want "Heckspoiler" (rear spoiler) for sideskirts do the same, but select "Seitenschweller" from the bottom menu

Bloody germans!!!
