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Rear Windscreen wiper

  RB One Eight Two
Hi All,

I have been a member on here for a couple of years but have only just started looking on here again. I have a Black 1.2 Dynamique but soon purchasing a RB 182 with both cup packs on it. I am wondering if anyone can help me, as I have some flat front windscreen wipers but does anyone know if you can get a flat rear wiper for a 182?


I bought a pair of Bosch retrofit Aerotwin wipers for the front and a standard Bosch rear wiper from I don't think flat rears are available, and they wouldn't look right anyway - the rear blade blends in with the rest of the arm. Having said that I didn't like the look of my Bosch rear as it wasn't like the original Renault item - so I took the actual rubber blade out and slotted it into my old rear.
  RB One Eight Two
Cheers guys, tbh I will just keep the Renault wiper on the rear as like you say it looks better.
