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Rear wiper arm removal


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Hi, just taking off my rear wiper, all bolts undone and the arm joint covered in WD40 but it just wont budge, ive read on here people had have to hack saw them off, any other ideas to get this effing thing off? Its currently on the car with no bolts on so im hoping it will just fall off... :mad:
  b/g 182, meg tourer
they are a pain in the ass mate. from memory i got a bearing puller or something to remove it. was solid on there tho. sometimes is best to saw it off carefully. its usually quicker.
  audi a6 3.0tdi
I used a puller on it and it was still a nightmare to get off. Trust me its annoying as hell with out a rear wiper as i've done it on mine. as soon as the window gets dirty you can't tell who's behind you.
