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Relocating the Heater Controls

  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
I want to move these out of sight into the glove box as part of my custom dashboard. I hear that these are controlled by rods? Any idea how this is done?

The another alternative is to remove them 100% and have them set always on HOT and facing the windscreen , which i dont want as ill have the heater on in the summer. The Face vents will be smoothed out anyway, but I obviously need the heater for demisting purposes.

any ideas Wanna try this myself.

  Chocolate Bar™
sounds interesting.

seen it done on other cars, and it can look rather good. not sure how they're controlled in all honesty. altho knowing renault it shouldnt be a rocket science system. thought about a portable hairdryer :rasp:
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
Middo said:
sounds interesting.

seen it done on other cars, and it can look rather good. not sure how they're controlled in all honesty. altho knowing renault it shouldnt be a rocket science system. thought about a portable hairdryer :rasp:

I get that joke all the time off my manager at work, calling Clios girls cars, he alwasy asks if i have had the lipstick aplicator installed yet lol.

He drives an MGTF though =/
  1.6 focus zetec....
Take them out and have a look.... I honestly cant see a way of doing it but then again i havent acctually tried it before and dont know how they work!! Ive seen people move them up or down but never into the glove box...should be a cool mod!!

What you replacing them with??? a screen??


Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
mmm teh fan control would be easy to do but the postion and heater would be difficult, maybe get sliders instead but you'd probably have to take out teh dashboard to do a proper job!
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
dash is coming out anyway. Im smoothing them out completely. then having all the buttons where the heaters would be (door poppers, hazards etc etc) Im then having a 7" Screen moulded into where the standard middle vents are, and my Dakota Digital Instrument binnicle above, where the clock/radio screen is. Im then smoothing out the area where the standard dials are, and replicating the shape on the other side. Where the tweeters are, I'm aving a fibreglass build for them. Then the air vents etc ect will be smoothed out, leaving just the one of the windscreen.

Im just generally smoothing everything to create a less clutered look. Things like the ciggie lighter, hazard warning switch and coin tray will be smoothed out of the centre console. Im smoothing out that tray inder the glove box, even de handling the glove box and havinga magnetic push switch that you sometimes have on glass fronted Hifi stands around your home.

If I'm honest, I dont think many people on here will like the dash board, it will be colour coded gold, which i think will look great against the butterscotch seats.

However we are talking about £1700 for the dash including the screen and dials (£600!) so wotn be any time soon. I'm trying to do as much as possible to save on the labour costs lol.
it could be done without to much hassle. Out of the three controls the hot/cold and the air direction are controlled by cables like bike brakes so just need a couple of longer ones,the fan speed is through a resistor and is electronic not cable theirs two connectors go onto the back of it guessing all you would have to do is extend the wire to go to your glovebox.
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
tidyclio said:
it could be done without to much hassle. Out of the three controls the hot/cold and the air direction are controlled by cables like bike brakes so just need a couple of longer ones,the fan speed is through a resistor and is electronic not cable theirs two connectors go onto the back of it guessing all you would have to do is extend the wire to go to your glovebox.

ah so its all cables? No rods etc etc?

I shall have a look when i get it backfrom the bodyshop.

Another option is a cover for them which can open to get to them.
  BMW F31
tidyclio said:
it could be done without to much hassle. Out of the three controls the hot/cold and the air direction are controlled by cables like bike brakes so just need a couple of longer ones,the fan speed is through a resistor and is electronic not cable theirs two connectors go onto the back of it guessing all you would have to do is extend the wire to go to your glovebox.

thats 100% correct as i have had many dashes off of clios if you look down by the clutch rest and look up a bit you can see a black cable and a grey cable which operates the heat and direction.
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
so can simply extend the wires and relocate the dials? Are the wires electrical? I dont see how they move the vents?
you shouldn't have any problems extending the can relocate the dials to the glovebox or whatever.
the wires are electrical yeah.
They don't move the vents,under the dash you have a fan that blows air and the pipe it blows it through has a flap inside,as you turn the air direction control it turns the flap inside directing the air into whatever vents you've selected
it is mechanical,without a pic it's quite hard to explain but imagine a flap to direct air that has a lever attached to turn it,theirs a cable connected to this flap and the other end connected into the heater control for air direction so when you turn the dial it turns the flap.
the only one which is electrical is the blower speed.
if you only want the heater for demisting you could just set the hot/cold air dial to hot and the air direction to the blow air through the windscreen vent.then you could do away with these two dial completely. the one for the blower speed is electrical but you could incorporate a switch into your dash for it
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
ah I get so only relocate blower speed one? I get you :)

What about the heated reasr screen switch? Can this just be relocated?
  Polo + Micra
how is it controlled in a car with CC?

as i don't think they have the dial controls
