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relocation IK for mark 1

  172 M69 eater

does anyone do a relocation kit for an IK for a mark 1 clio (phase 2)

its a 1.2 and i wanted it to sound a bit more mean :devilish: as at the moment it sounds like a hair drier:mad: (apart from the exhaust)

ta patty
  172 M69 eater

oh i know ktec do one 4 the mark 2 1.2 16v and they have some in production but not my clio


We are now starting to develop more air filter relocation kits following the popularity of our kit for the Clio 1.2 16v. Kits planned so far include the Clio 1 1.8 16v & Williams, Clio 2 1.4 16v, 1.6 16v & 172, R19 1.8 16v and Megane 1.4 16v, 1.6 16v and 2.0 16v. All kits will feature polished stainless steel pipework and silicone adaptors and come complete with a high flow cone induction kit.
