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Remap and battery

  Clio MK 4
Probably stupid question but is it bad for a remap if you have to jump start the car from running the battery flat? It won't screw the new map up?
  Vee 6
I have,nt done one yet but do they not request that you hook the car up to a 10 amp battery charger whilst do a remap.

If the power goes down during a remap it could corrupt the ECU
  Clio MK 4
K. I don't mean during the remap but like later on in life . I wodnt want to spend 350 quid on remapping and a month later battery runs flat for a reason and it resets it back to standard
yep no issues current owner of my old cup has flattened the battery a couple of times, drove it the other night span round to 7800 sweetly, i want it back now!
