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removing front fogs 172

  integra Dc5
hi does anyone know how to remove the front fogs on a 172, my mate wants to change the bulbs in his, but isnt sure how to get them out! thanks
  182 inside
take the front wheel arch liner out and you'll see the 2 x torx screws you need to undo. that's it.

you shouldn't have to take them out to change the bulb.
  Sunflower & Golf Mk6 BMT
I did this at the weekend, its quite easy. Although if its passenger side you may need to remove the horn and acustic valve, just to help access.

You also need to pull out the x2 plastic rivits which need a bit of persaution but dont worry you can push them back in on re-fit.

Then you just swist the connection at the back of the fog lamp and the bulb will come out.
Thanks for your help guys managed to get it off. Can get fogs out though, thinks the bolts have been rounded off by someone. Is it a torx screwdriver needed?
