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Rocker cover bolt leaking


ClioSport Moderator
Took my top manifold off yesterday and noticed that the rocker cover has a little oil on the top near the oil filler. I always use funnels and don't spill any oil. The oil must be leaking where a bolt isn't sealing properly.


I'm thinking it is the one above the spark plug hole.

Rest of the rocker cover is clean and dry

What can I do to seal this leak as I was wanting to paint the rocker cover. Is it OK to undo that bolt a bit and use something to seal it and then torque the bolt back down?
  Ex 182 owner
HI Gus,
Is it defo not overspill from topping up? Also have a google around the VVT solenoid seal.
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  Clio 172 RS ph1
Try cleaning the area and see where its leaking from.

Sent from my MI 3W using Tapatalk
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ClioSport Moderator
Could well be vvt seal - going to replace that too.

found this pic, thanks to whoever posted it.


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
I had one leaking a few years ago, removed the bolt, put some gasket sealant under the bolt's head, screwed it back in until it was just nipped, it never leaked again.
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ClioSport Club Member
  Defender 110
Every Clio I've had has had a bit of oil there. Worth maybe changing the vvt seal as that is more than likely where it's came from, looking at your picture though it's not a lot.


ClioSport Moderator
Forgot about this thread.
This is what I used :



This is perfect for the small nooks and crannies also for getting the stubborn black bits.
It's too dark to show the end result but it is spotless.


ClioSport Moderator
Turned out it was the vvt sensor.

Unplug the lead and Remove the 10mm bolt holding the vvt. Then lift out the vvt solenoid.


Use a screw driver to pry the old gasket/o ring out.


Get the new o ring out and seat it in its place. Its a good time to clean around this area before as access is limited afterwards.

Use a 27-30mm socket and then a hammer to tap the o ring into place. This distributes the force and seats it really well.

Then just refit the VVT and retaining bolt.


ClioSport Moderator
Just bumping this thread as its really useful for others that havent seen it. You guys helped me loads diagnosing the VVT seal and its such a cheap and easy fix to make your engine look good again.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Think mine has this too, although i'm not entirely sure as it could've been a PO spilling oil as the nearest spark plug had some oil clearly on it when removed.
What's the best way to clean up the rocker cover? Degreaser?

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Think mine has this too, although i'm not entirely sure as it could've been a PO spilling oil as the nearest spark plug had some oil clearly on it when removed.
What's the best way to clean up the rocker cover? Degreaser?

Clean it up with brake cleaner.

I think i have one of these seals somewhere if anyone is after one.
