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rubbish CPW service

  Slow red one
Sent my iPhone to get repaired by them since im insured. Now its at the store waiting to be collected and they said on the phone that it was not repaired for some stupid reason so im paying insurance for nothing if it was not fixed and wish they would just give me a new handset tbh! Am I able to take it to an Apple store and get help do you think? just means a bit of travelling.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
Well, you're not giving us a lot to help with are you!

What's wrong with it?
Why did they say it's not fixed?
How old is it?
Has it got excessive physical damage?

Without those all you've done is moan that it's crap?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
IF you read your insurance T&C's it has to be sent away to be classified "Beyond Economical Repair" or BER.

Once this has happened CPW's insurance might replace it.
Plus if you have an iphone you should always take it to a Apple store.
  Slow red one
IF you read your insurance T&C's it has to be sent away to be classified "Beyond Economical Repair" or BER.

Once this has happened CPW's insurance might replace it.
Plus if you have an iphone you should always take it to a Apple store.
Yeah they said "Beyond Economical Repair"! Hoping they will replace it! yeah I wanna go to an Apple store but none that are close by tbh though should be getting one but dunno when.

Any more help on this?
  None :(
ok, i used to work for CPW 3 years ago.

If it was unrepairable, normaly its due to water damage or something. But that shouldn't be a problem because you have insurance. They should be able to put through a claim when you go into store, but u will have to pay excess, but at least u get a brand new (not refurb) iphone. They may offer a refurb with no excess but i wouldnt touch that!

